SoS Retvari to Peter Magyar: Scaremongering Won't Help Flood Defence!

The parliamentary state secretary thanked every politician who is helping in the ongoing fight against the floods.

2024. 09. 16. 13:12
Bence Retvari, parliamentary state secretary at the interior ministry (Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Scaremongering does not help the flood protection effort. At the dams, we must focus on defense, not politics, State Secretary Bence Retvari emphasized in his video. Speaking from the embankment of the Danube, Mr. Retvari, who also serves as deputy interior minister, sent a message to Peter Magyar, who had posted on Facebook that neither disaster management, the Hungarian Defence Forces, nor the police were involved in ongoing flood protection efforts.

Mr. Retvari underlined that officers from disaster management and water authorities are present at all defense lines, and mayors of the municipalities can contact them at any time.

"We'd like to thank the volunteers for their help, because everyone is needed in the flood protection effort. We also thank the politicians who are assisting, but please do not use the situation for political purposes," Mr. Retvari urged.


Cover photo: Bence Retvari, parliamentary state secretary at the interior ministry (Source: Facebook)

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