Patriotism Is Nonnegotiable, FM Peter Szijjarto Visits Arad

Speaking at the 175th anniversary commemoration of the martyrs in Arad, Hungary's foreign minister said the officers executed here in 1849 gave their lives for a sacred cause.

2024. 10. 07. 16:08
Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister speaks at commemoration in Arad, Romania, October 6, 2024. (Photo: MTI/Zsolt Czegledi)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"The message of Hungary's 1848 Revolution and War of Independence calls on the nation to unite, as this is the only way to preserve all that we have inherited from our predecessors throughout history," Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto said in Arad, Romania on Sunday. At the commemoration ceremony held on the 175th anniversary of the martyrs in Arad, the Minister underlined that the officers executed here in 1849 gave their lives for a sacred cause, for Hungarian freedom. He stressed that although the borders of the country and those of the nation do not coincide, it is important to honor these heroes together.

 Because nothing can erase 1848 from the hearts of Hungarians, my dear friends, just as nothing can erase 1956 or 1989,

 he stated. 

On October 6, all corners of the Carpathian Basin and the entire Hungarian diaspora will turn towards Arad and bow in remembrance of the martyrs,

he said, stressing 

For Hungarians, the events of 1848-49 are synonymous with courage. We made it clear then, as we have made it clear many times since, that we must fight for national independence even in the face of overwhelming odds, and that is why we have always taken up the fight.

"For us, the struggle for freedom is not an optional exercise, not an optional anything. And we have proven that often enough - if necessary against the Ottomans, against the Habsburgs and against the Soviet empire. We always stood our ground, and, though emaciated but not broken, we always managed to survive in the end. The Hungarians are a nation fighting for freedom. A nation that has always managed to stand, and will always stand, at the graves of the empires that had occupied it," he added.

FM Szijjarto said that the events of 1848-49 gave birth to heroes, and that this glorious era is still synonymous with patriotism.

"The patriotism of the revolutionaries and defense forces of 1848 shows us the right way forward, and encourages us to take care of our families, defend our country, and to apply our work, knowledge and diligence to the building of the nation."

I believe that over the past fourteen years the civic, Christian democratic Hungarian government has provided ample proof that we are leading Hungary in the spirit of 1848, because for us national independence, cherishing the memory of our heroes and patriotism are nonnegotiable entities,

 he noted. 

"We dare to say that the message of the Revolution of '48 reaches beyond state borders and calls the nation to unite. We are counting on all Hungarians to shape the destiny of our nation for the better," he continued, stressing that the heart of Hungary's foreign policy is a nation-based policy, centered on the idea that every Hungarian is responsible for every Hungarian.

Only by working together and sticking together can we preserve what we have inherited from our ancestors throughout history, and only in this way can we be proud of what we have achieved throughout history,

he underlined, saying that freedom is perhaps the most important national value of our country, which means that we decide our own destiny and our own future.

"We have had a turbulent history, but despite this turbulence, we Hungarians have always wanted the same things here, encircled by the Carpathians. The youth of March [1848] perhaps put it best: 'Let there be peace, freedom and harmony'," he stressed. The minister also pointed out that Hungary is practically the only nation in Europe today that dares to speak clearly, honestly and openly about its desire to see peace restored in the eastern half of the continent.

"Despite the stigmatization, the threats and the pressure, we continue to insist that the solution to the terrible war in our neighborhood is not on the battlefield, but at the negotiating table. Our goal cannot be anything other than a ceasefire, peace negotiations and peace, because this is the only way to save human lives, including the lives of our own brothers and sisters in Transcarpathia." 

He also added that without preserving national sovereignty, it is impossible to plan a Hungarian future.

 Let's be clear, no matter the legal, the political, the financial threats, we will not let others tell us how to live, or who to live with in our own country,

he emphasized. 

Even if they want to impose a post-Christian and post-national European federalism on us, we will remain a free and Christian nation,

he added. 

"This, my dear friends, is what the legacy of the 1848-49 Revolution and War of Independence means to us. That is why we are proud that we had and continue to have such brave heroes as our forefathers of 184-49 (...) We Hungarians living today continue to cherish their memory with respect and appreciation. Because we believe that the 'word Hungarian will be beautiful again, worthy of its former great fame'. Respect to the heroes, long live Hungarian freedom, long live the homeland!" Peter Szijjarto concluded his speech.


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