Patriots' Meeting in Budapest Strengthens Hungary's Strategic Role

Budapest is becoming an increasingly important diplomatic center, as evidenced by recent events, Fanni Lajko, an analyst at the Center for Fundamental Rights, told our newspaper.

2024. 12. 07. 10:37
French National Rally (RN) chief Jordan Bardella, the president of the Patriots for Europe group in the EP (r) and Kinga Gal, First VP of the group, speak during the Patriots' Budapest meeting in the upper chamber of parliament on December 6, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Szilard Koszticsak)
French National Rally (RN) chief Jordan Bardella, the president of the Patriots for Europe group in the EP (r) and Kinga Gal, First VP of the group, speak during the Patriots' Budapest meeting in the upper chamber of parliament on December 6, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Szilard Koszticsak) Fotó: Koszticsák Szilárd
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Budapest has become an increasingly important diplomatic center in recent years, as evidenced by the series of European and international events. The Patriots for Europe party family's two-day external group meeting, and the meetings of the European Political Community and the Council of the EU in November, show that Hungary's capital has become a decisive player not just at a regional, but also at a European level.

The fact that Budapest is hosting events of this level clearly demonstrates the city's growing significance as a diplomatic hub. These events also strengthen Hungary's position in the European Union, as their organization requires a strong professional and political background, which Budapest successfully provides,

 – said Ms. Lajko, an analyst at the Budapest-based Center for Fundamental Rights. 

These events ar also a clear reflection of the strengthening of right-wing political forces. The Patriots for Europe party family, which has become the third largest political force in the European Parliament, is a dynamic and renewing community that stands for the importance of sovereignty, national interests and traditional values.

The meeting of the Patriots for Europe in Budapest holds symbolic significance. It not only strengthens the unity of right-wing forces, but also shows that Budapest plays a central role in the European governance of conservative politics,

– Ms. Lajko explained. 

She added that the event also makes clear the unstoppable rise of the right in Europe. The steady expansion of the Patriots for Europe party family and the increasing representation of right-wing values in the European Parliament shows that a renewed political community is emerging, which is strongly supported by Hungary and the leadership of PM Viktor Orban.

Events like this not only strengthen the unity of right-wing alliances, but also show that the Hungarian government plays a strategic role in the organization and management of European right-wing politics. The rise of the right and the growing importance of Budapest go hand in hand, reinforcing Hungary's place on Europe's political map.

Cover photo: French National Rally (RN) chief Jordan Bardella, the president of the Patriots for Europe group in the EP (r) and Kinga Gal, First VP of the group, speak during the Patriots' Budapest meeting in the upper chamber of parliament on December 6, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Szilard Koszticsak)


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