As the third anniversary of the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war approaches, an increasing number of videos are emerging, exposing the cruel reality of forced conscriptions. The latest footage, filmed in Odessa, shows a man running into oncoming traffic to escape military recruiters.
Another Video Reveals Cruelty of Zelensky's Regime
A surreal video has surfaced on social media from Ukraine, shedding light on the harsh realities of the war and the brutality of the Zelensky regime.
The Ukrainian armed forces are facing an increasingly severe manpower shortage, with statistics suggesting that approximately one million Ukrainians have died during the Russia-Ukraine war. Despite this, the Kyiv leadership, led by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, continues to prolong the bloodshed. They even refused to consider the Christmas ceasefire proposed by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, which could have provided their troops with a few days of respite. Instead of a ceasefire, forced consriptions continued even during the holiday season.
It’s clear that Ukraine has lost this war, but they still want to prolong the suffering of their people. The forced conscriptions continue, but in reality, they are sending people to be senselessly slaughtered,
security policy expert Georg Spottle emphasized to Magyar Nemzet.
Cover photo: Ukrainian soldier (Photo: Anadolu via AFP)
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