Janos Boka: Brussels Cannot Take Away Hungarians' Money – While Hungary Has Patriotic Government, Not a Cent Will Be Lost

Hungary will utilize every legal and political tool to secure the remaining funds, the country's EU affairs minister stated.

2025. 01. 01. 8:43
Hungarian EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka (Source: Facebook)
Hungarian EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka (Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Hungarian government has fulfilled all the required conditions to access EU funds, yet Brussels is attempting to withhold resources owed to the Hungarian people for political reasons, Janos Boka highlighted on his social media. Hungary's EU affairs minister declared that

As long as Hungary has a national-minded and sovereign government, it will not lose a single eurocent.

Mr. Boka recalled that the Hungarian government has already secured over 12 billion euros in EU funds through a hard-fought battle. Hungary ranks among the leading member states in utilizing these resources, he added, and he also underlined that

in order to secure the remaining funds, Hungary will employ every legal and political tool at its disposal.


Cover photo: Hungarian EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka (Source: Facebook)

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