"What we have been saying for years has come to light: the US administration under Biden, in partnership with Soros's network, has been financing journalists, media outlets and activist groups with the aim of pushing their ideological and policy agenda in other countries. In Hungary, their goal was to strengthen the opposition and bring down the Hungarian government," Tamas Deutsch wrote on social media.
The MEP of Fidesz added:
As ordered, these organisations then spread and promoted pro-immigration positions, anti-family policies, gender madness and war propaganda.
According to the politician, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) played the most important role in this operation. All this was presented as aid, but in reality it was a tool for political influence.
US estimates reveal that 6,600 journalists and 707 media outlets, including in Hungary, were bought by the kilo. Politico, the mouthpiece of the Brussels elite, alone received $34 million. But that's over now,
the MEP underlined.
In the US, this policy has failed and this practice will be abolished, so now they want to move this distribution of money to Brussels.
In the meantime, of course, it has also emerged that the European Commission has been funding so-called civil society activist groups for similar purposes, through secret contracts. There is an organisation in Hungary that receives funding from eight different Brussels programs and is proud that based on their complaints, Hungary has been condemned 21 times for its policy of rejecting illegal immigration. They have been producing discrediting materials so that the Commission can use them to withhold EU funds Hungary is entitled to, he added.
Enough of this! It is unacceptable for Hungarian taxpayers that the money paid by Hungary is used by Brussels to fund "civil society" activist groups that carry out harmful activities in Hungary. I wonder what other skeletons will fall out of the closet? The Hungarian 'independent-objective press' is getting ready,
Tamas Deutsch wrote in conclusion of his post.
Cover photo: Tamas Deutsch on January 17, 2025 (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Kocsis)