Donald Trump and Viktor Orban Hold Another Phone Consultation

The Hungarian and U.S. governments are in constant communication, the Government Information Center told our newspaper in response to our inquiry.

2025. 03. 04. 9:29
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and U.S. President Donald Trump (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Late Sunday night, PM Viktor Orban held a phone consultation with U.S. President Donald Trump. So far, no details have leaked about the content of their conversation, but it is likely that the Ukraine-Russia war was among the topics discussed, according to reports by Index citing American sources.

In response to our inquiry, the Government Information Center stated that 

communication between the Hungarian and U.S. governments remains continuous.

Daniel Deak, chief analyst at the 21st Century Institute, noted on social media that the latest discussion between Viktor Orban and Donald Trump took place shortly after a heated debate in the Oval Office involving Trump, Volodymyr Zelensky, and J.D. Vance.

The analyst added that Hungary's prime minister is also preparing for the extraordinary EU summit to be held on March 6, where the financing of the war and the issue of weapon deliveries to Ukraine will be discussed again. PM Orban has already made it clear in advance that he does not support either.

It is likely that this topic was also part of the conversation with Donald Trump, as support from the U.S. government on this issue would significantly increase Viktor Orban’s leverage in EU debates.

They maintain strong ties

Viktor Orban and Donald Trump have maintained a good relationship for a long time, and this is not the first time they have consulted personally, or by phone.

In July 2024, the Hungarian prime minister met with the U.S. President at Trump’s estate in Florida, where they discussed peace. After his election, Trump was among the first to speak with Viktor Orban by phone, and one of their main topics was likely the Russia-Ukraine war. In recent months, Viktor Orban has repeatedly stated that he believes Donald Trump is the one who can bring peace to Europe. In December, Viktor Orban and Donald Trump held another in-person meeting, again at Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago.

However, this latest phone conversation took place amid a tense international situation, particularly in light of diplomatic frictions between the U.S. and Ukraine, as well as the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.

Cover photo: Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and U.S. President Donald Trump (Photo: AFP)

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