Joint foundation for Hungarian-Slovakian unity

Our countries' governments establish a common cultural foundation to support: cross-border relations, understanding our history, and strengthening cooperation.

2022. 08. 16. 23:24
Surján László, az Európai Parlament korábbi alelnöke (Forrás: Dódity Gabriella Facebook-oldala)
Surján László, az Európai Parlament korábbi alelnöke (Forrás: Dódity Gabriella Facebook-oldala)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Hungarian Charta XXI. Association and the Slovak Tunega, Púcik and Tesár Foundation recommended that the two countries establish a joint cultural foundation to strengthen the bond between both nations. In a statement penned by László Surján, former European Parliament Vice President and Ján Figeľ, former Slovak EU Commissioner, they wrote that it is essential for Hungarians living in Slovakia and Slovakians living in Hungary to feel at home in the place they were born.

The Hungarian Charta XXI. Association and the Slovak Tunega, Púcik and Tesár Foundation adopted a joint declaration on Hungarian-Slovak unity. In the statement released by the two organizations on Monday, they expressed their aim as “asking for forgiveness and granting forgiveness” to heal the wounds opened in the past while emphasizing the importance of cooperation especially in difficult times like these. The statement signed by László Surján, former European Parliament Vice President and Ján Figel, former Slovak EU Commissioner highlights the importance of protecting minority rights in law. They also wrote that,

good relations and cooperation between religious leaders and governments is not enough.

They consider it important for the people to be familiar with each other’s cultures and history.

They encourage cross-border social relations as well as a joint cultural foundation established by both governments to strengthen cooperation.

The statement writes that given the many challenges ahead of us, it is our common interest and obligation to strengthen good neighborly relations between Hungary and Slovakia.

Our shared 1000-year history is unprecedented; our common history still leaves its mark today despite the serious harm we have caused each other over the course of the existence of our modern and independent nations. The memory of historical Hungary from the past that we built and protected together does not separate us, but rather connects as this is our common heritage,

– reads the statement. They emphasize that it is encouraging that more and more people in Slovakia say that it was not 1000 years of oppression. It is also a good sign that Hungarian society is beginning to recognize that ever since we arrived to this land, our country has always been a multilingual one.

From the perspective of good Hungarian-Slovak relations, it is essential that Hungarians born in Slovakia and Slovakians born in Hungary feel at home.

The statement also mentions that minority rights must be protected through legal means and it is just as important to understand, accept and cooperate with each other. “The first step of getting to know each other is understanding our perspectives: the essential questions of Hungarian and Slovak historical memories. In an effort to get closer to each other we recommend both countries include lessons on the other’s culture in education and in public life,” emphasized László Surján and Ján Figeľ. They continued to say that it is important that schools along the border teach the neighboring country’s language and culture.

We recommend our countries' governments establish a common cultural foundation to support: cross-border relations, understanding our history, and strengthening cooperation especially for younger generations,”

– said the statement.

Photo: László Surján (Photo CRedit: Facebook)

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