Migrants attack in broad daylight on the streets of Europe + video

Migrants are no longer just attacking at night, they also target pedestrians on their way to work or doing the shopping.

2023. 06. 21. 10:27
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

French right-wing politician Eric Zemmour took to Twitter to highlight the dangers of mass illegal migration in a post. He shared a video showing an African migrant attacking a grandmother and her granddaughter in broad daylight on the street in France. The incident was probably caught on a surveillance camera. The footage shows the elderly woman as she is about to leave her home with her granddaughter when she spots the African migrant. The woman decides to retreat into the building to wait until the man passes by, but he had already started walking directly towards them. As she was about to close the front door, the migrant wedged a foot in and simply threw her and the little girl into the street, grabbing them by the hair. He then proceeded to kick them before snatching the woman's purse.

How terrible. This is what they did to our country. French people, wake up!

Mr Zemmour commented in the caption added to the video. Police later arrested the man.

The video below was recorded in Italy, where hundreds and thousands of migrants disembark from migrant boats day after day. What drove them so wild is not clear from the video or the uploader's post, but it does show the havoc that young migrants, mostly of military age, can wreak in peaceful European cities, such as Milan.

As also highlighted by a recent Magyar Nemzet article, a 31-year-old immigrant from West Africa is suspected of killing three people in downtown Nottingham, central England. The victims of the knife attack were two 19-year-olds on their way home from a night out, and the third victim was a man in his 50s.

After the murders, the attacker stole a white van and ploughed into a bus stop, overrunning three people.


Cover photo: illustration (Photo: MTI/AP/Jeremias Gonzalez)

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