The meeting between Hungarian PM Orban and Jin Liqun was also attended by Marton Nagy, Hungary's economic development minister. The sides have articulated that the fruits of Hungary's Eastern Opening policy were starting to bear fruit. Our largest foreign investors in terms of working capital are now the Asian - Chinese, Korean, Japanese - companies, while the interest, activity and presence of Asian commercial banks are also intensifying on the market.
PM Orban: The policy of Eastern Opening is working!
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban held talks with the head of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in his Budapest office, at the Carmelite Monastery, on Monday, the deputy state secretary in charge of the Prime Minister's Press Office told Hungary's state news agency (MTI).
Hungary wants Asian capital to play an important role in achieving its goals int he realm of national economic development strategy, and views AIIB membership as a bridge that helps Hungary play a greater role in Asia, PM Orban's press chief said.
Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Source: / Viktor Orban)
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