Here's how much leftist journalists sent to attack Father Bojte were paid

"”And the virtual firing squad has arrived. So, let's call them by their names..."

2023. 09. 11. 13:21
Budapest, 2023. május 26. Böjte Csaba ferences rendi szerzetes, a Dévai Szent Ferenc Alapítvány alapítója a Csíksomlyóra tartó zarándokvonat indulása elõtt a budapesti Keleti pályaudvaron 2023. május 26-án. A vonat mintegy 400 zarándokot visz a csíksomlyói búcsúba. MTI/Mónus Márton Fotó: Mónus Márton
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The daily Magyar Nemzet has also made mention of the fact that organizations linked to US financier George Soros may have provided financial support for a smear campaign designed to discredit the St. Francis Foundation of Deva headed by Father Csaba Bojte. The known stock-exchange speculator George Soros has donated millions to the portals that's published articles attacking the monk.

Both journalists Tunde Szabo, who works at „Atlatszó Erdely” (Transparent Transylvania), and Arpad Kulcsar (already convicted in a defamation case), who was running the project at the far-left Merce portal, have profited from the articles against the Franciscan monk and his foundation, according to Hí

A Brussels-based non-profit organization called Journalism Fund, which is linked to George Soros, spent €14,500, or more than HUF 5.5 million, to support the articles,

– they wrote.


Hungarian publicist Zsolt Bayer also chimes in with his view 

„Father Csaba Bojte has many sins, because he has been saving orphans for decades, many thousands of orphans. Moreover, he is doing this as a Franciscan monk, and he is doing it in Transylvania, with Hungarian orphans in Transylvania. So it was high time for the leftist-liberal media to jump on his case,” the publicist wrote, adding that „so, low and behold, the virtual firing squad has arrived. Let's call them by their names: Arpad Kulcsar, Tunde Szabo and Andras Jambor. One of the virtual executioners, Arpad Kulcsar, had been convicted of libel and defamation before jumping on the Bojte case, as he made libelous statements against a Hungarian actor from Cluj for, well... you would find it hard to believe, for sexual harassment.”


Cover photo: Franciscan monk Csaba Bojte, founder of the St. Francis Foundation of Deva, before the departure of the pilgrimage train to Csiksomlyo at Budapest's Eastern Railway Station on May 26, 2023 (Photo: MTI/Marton Monus)

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