PM Orban held talks with Chinese President

Hungary's prime minister called for economic cooperation, instead of isolation.

2023. 10. 17. 11:29
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Talks with President Xi. Economic cooperation instead of isolation: this is the Hungarian model - PM Viktor Orban wrote in his Facebook post. Hungary's prime minister arrived in Beijing at the invitation of the Chinese President, where he is taking part in the One Belt, One Road forum.

We are working to strengthen Hungary-China relations. This is good for Hungary and good for the European economy,

− Mr Orban underlined.

Under Xi Jinping's presidency, China-Hungary ties have reached unprecedented heights, and this is extremely beneficial and useful for Hungary, PM Orban said. He thanked his host for the constant and unwavering support with which Xi Jinping has stood behind the development of bilateral relations.

Speaking about the One Belt, One Road initiative, Mr Orban underlined that Hungary had been its supporter from the very beginning.

We are convinced that this is an initiative that will change the world, change the global economy, and transform it into one that will benefit more people than ever before,

– PM Orban said.

He stressed that China can count on Hungary to remain part of the initiative in the future, regardless of European political debates, and that the country will continue to seek cooperation with Beijing.

China is Hungary's ninth largest trading partner, and this year it is once again Hungary's largest foreign direct investor.

Earlier, Hungarian PM Orban held discussions with his Chinese counterpart Li Jiang on Sunday.

I will do my utmost to pursue a foreign policy towards China worthy of our predecessors,

– said Mr Orban, who also held talks with the President of the China Construction Bank on Monday.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban with Chinese President Xi Jinping (Photo: Facebook)

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