Now is the time to keep returning workers in Hungary, the economic daily Világgazdaság concluded from the latest data the Austrian social security agency put out, which shows that the number of Hungarians working in the neighboring country has started to noticeably decrease.
The grass isn't always greener? Hungarian workers are returning from Austria
An interesting shift.
A total of 124,418 Hungarian citizens took up jobs on the Austrian labor market at the beginning of autumn, and the decline started in August, when the number of Hungarian workers registered in Austria closed at a negative monthly rate after a long period. Compared to July, 372 Hungarians had left their jobs in Austria.
Then, in September, there was a major shift, as
in one month, the community of 126,284 Hungarian workers in Austria dropped by 1,886 people, which means a considerable decline of 1.5 percent.
The portal estimates that the trend will continue in the coming months, with the number of Hungarians working in Austria shrinking, which is a very good opportunity for the domestic labor market to keep Hungarian citizens from returning to Austria.
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