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Migration Yields € Billions for Terrorists + video

Criminal organizations made up of mainly Afghan nationals active on the Serb side of the Hungary-Serbia border include members who did military service in Afghanistan during the Taliban takeover in 2021.

2023. 12. 03. 16:34
Forrás: Youtube/MO.Kormánya
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Hungarian government has published a video on its YouTube channel about the situation on the Serbian side of its border with Hungary. Viktor Marsai, director of the Migration Research Institute, recalled that the latest report published by Hungarian secret services shows that radical organisations are increasingly trying to encroach on the smuggling activities on the Serbian side of the border. This came as no surprise since rumors were already circulating that radicals appeared on the Serbia-Hungary border, and the intelligence report confirmed this.

Photo: MTI/AP/Serbia's interior ministry

The report affirms that Hungary made the right decision in 2015 when it defended its border by building a fence, establishing legal protection and setting up a border hunter regiment, Bence Retvari recalled. For nearly two years we have seen a surge in violence on the border for control over areas and illegal border passages, the parliamentary state secretary of the Hungarian interior ministry pointed out, noting that 

the strongest groups are made up of Afghan nationals.

Brigade 313, for example, is named after a Taliban battalion, and other units are also present in the area. With the Taliban having gradually taken control of the human smuggling gangs, what we unfortunately see today is that a terrorist organization dominates human trafficking networks all the way from Afghanistan to Hungary's border with Serbia.

The presence of the Taliban clearly heightens the risk of terrorism in Europe, making it easier for terrorist to enter the continent.

Nor is it negligible that billions of euros from people smuggling end up with terrorist organizations.

This also proves that Brussels is on the wrong track when it aims to manage illegal migration rather than halt it, the state secretary said.

Cover photo: Hungary-Serbia border (Source: YouTube)

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