Hungarians Use Consultation To Protest Against Brussels’ Elitist Policies

The national consultation has once again proved that the leftist liberal side in Brussels, at home and across the continent is not in conflict with the Hungarian government, but with the people, writes the Center for Fundamental Rights in its news analysis.

2024. 01. 26. 14:44
20231221 Budapest Nemzeti konzultáció plakát Fotó: Mirkó István MI Magyar Nemzet Fotó: Mirkó István
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Ursula von der Leyen made a more explicit announcement than ever, precisely on the closing day of Hungary's national consultation survey. She declared that the European Commission is withholding the majority of EU funds due to Hungary’s rejection of gender ideology targeting children and the acceptance of migrants. This decision comes despite voters expressing their views on these matters with unprecedented unity in past referendums and substantial participation in the country's recent national consultation survey.

Of particular significance is the respondents' unanimous position on an issue that Brussels has labeled as Hungary’s »major sin«. A total of 1,519,899 people are against the creation of migrant ghettos, while a similar proportion of voters support Hungary’s Child Protection Law. Notably, 1,507,809 even advocate for stricter legislation,

– according to the analysis.

The think tank also highlights the rejection by Hungarians of weapons deliveries to Ukraine and their endorsement of ceasefires and peace (1,521,445 voters), aligning with key concerns for the government.

The recent public consultation has underscored the government's clear democratic mandate on these crucial issues.

Consequently, it's unsurprising that the return rate for the national consultation on sovereignty is one of the highest since 2010, especially as sub-units of the open society network in Washington and Brussels have recently attempted more transparent interventions than ever before.

The recent remarks of the EC President only serve as the icing of the cake,

– they assert.


Cover photo: Poster promoting Hungary’s recent national consultation (Photo: Istvan Mirko) 

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