PM Orban: China, Hungary Agreed on Strengthening Ties As Early As 2009

Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Hungary and Europe has come to an end.

2024. 05. 11. 10:33
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (l) and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands at the reception held in the Buda Castle Lions' Court on May 9, 2024. Behind them are Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok and his wife, Zsuzsanna Nagy. (Photo: MTI/Hungarian PM's Press Office/Vivien Cher Benko)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan, ended their three-day visit to Hungary with lunch with Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his wife, Aniko Levai, Bertalan Havasi, the PM's press chief, told Hungary's state news agency MTI on Friday.

During lunch, PM Orban recalled that he and Xi had agreed to strengthen ties between the two countries already in 2009, when Xi was deputy president and himself the leader of the opposition.

Fifteen years later, they signed 18 cooperation agreements and outlined new plans and goals, he said.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (l) and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands at the reception held in the Buda Castle Lions' Court on May 9, 2024. Behind them are Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok and his wife, Zsuzsanna Nagy. (Photo: MTI/Hungarian PM's Press Office/Vivien Cher Benko)

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