Prime Minister Viktor Orban held talks in paris with Nicolas Notebaert, the CEO of Vinci Concessions, Mr Orban's press chief told Hungary's state news agency (MTI). On June 6, 2024, the Hungarian state, in cooperation with Vinci Airports, acquired Budapest Airport (BA) Zrt., the operator of Liszt Ferenc International Airport.
PM Orban: Liszt Frenc Intl. to be Developed into Most Successful Airport in Central Europe
The Hungarian prime minister has arrived in Paris.
During their talks in Paris, the two sides reviewed development plans for the airport. Liszt Ferenc International will see investment worth over one billion euros in the coming decade, including the construction of a new terminal, he said. Vinci has agreed to turning the air hub in Budapest into the most successful airport in Central Europe, the press chief's statement says.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Cover photo: Terminal 2 at Budapest's Liszt Ferenc International Airport on June 6, 2024. On this day, the sale and purchase agreement of the operator - Budapest Airport Zrt. - was signed, bringing the airport back into national majority ownership after almost 20 years (Photo: MTI/Szilard Koszticsak)
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The Ukrainian president is beginning to realize that with the fall of the U.S. Democrats, his last lifeline has also been lost.
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Brussels and the Left would abolish it immediately.