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PM Orban: Hungary a Good Tool for People Who Want Peace

Interviewed on public radio's regular Friday morning program, the Hungarian prime minister spoke about the economic situation, Hungary's EU presidency that started this week, the formation of a new group of patriotic parties in the European Parliament, as well as his about talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv and the initiatives taken to promote peace.

2024. 07. 05. 11:55
ORBÁN Viktor
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban speaks on public radio's regular Friday morning program (Photo: MTI/Hungarian PM's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"We have to be careful when we talk about this. It is difficult to assess the impact of such a meeting. Hungary needs to be clear about its place and its weight, but the situation today is that there is no dialogue, without which it is difficult to see how we can move towards peace," Viktor Orban said on Hungarian public radio's Good Morning, Hungary program. The Hungarian prime minister pointed out that

Europe could do more to move us towards peace, because it will not come without efforts.


Moral pressure

"I can do only one thing: I go to those places where there is a danger of war that poses a threat to Hungary.

We can be a good tool in the hands of people who want peace helping the parties to embark on a long road that ends with a ceasefire and peace negotiations,

he said, adding that, unfortunately we can only take the first steps on the road to peace.

Since Europe decided to get involved in this war, surveys of the war are also part of the war, therefore they are manipulated. In PM Orban's view, there is moral pressure on people, because Europe is about peace, and people feel that we have been waiting too long for the US to create peace. As he sees it, people are worried about the economic impact of the war.

If we send money to the front line, how will we achieve economic growth here? How are we going to emerge from this economic situation in Europe?

Viktor Orban asked, noting that 

peace would be morally right and, on the other hand, peace would make Europe successful.


Patriots for Europe

Speaking about setting up the Patriots for Europe faction in the EP, he said that there will be an inaugural meeting on Monday, bringing together parties that have already decided to join, but have not yet announced it.

"It will not happen now, but on Monday, when we will have a list, and you will see that all this is not empty talk," PM Orban said.

Hungary's prime minister noted that there is no head of government in Europe today who would not trade places with him, pointing out that the governing forces in both Germany and France are in a difficult situation.

Never before in France has the right wing been able to break through the cordon placed around it and win a parliamentary election. A momentous event is taking place that will have an immediate impact on the whole continent,

Viktor Orban said, assessing the French elections. He highlighted that Marine Le Pen's party has become the largest national party group in the European Parliament.

"The patriots are doing better than what is perceived. Take the Italian ruling party, the largest Dutch governing party that has just been formed, here is Hungary, and there will be elections in Austria in September with the Freedom Party now in the lead. Here is Babis, who was already prime minister and is once again on course for victory. The question is when they will hold an election in the Czech Republic. Then there are the Belgians. The Belgian government has also fallen, and one of Belgium's expected governing parties is among us. 

a patrióta csoportnak már most erősebb képviselete van, mint látszódik, s ez idővel egyre inkább láthatóvá is válik majd //This patriotic group is already more strongly represented than it appears on the outside, and its presence will become increasingly visible over time,"

Viktor Orban said.

Threat of a trade war

A trade war is looming, in PM Orban's view. As he put it, there are absurd situations. "The Commission's decision to impose a punitive tariff on China is supposedly good because it protects the interests of European car manufacturers. Meanwhile, European car manufacturers are protesting ferociously because it is bad for them. The bureaucrats are now making a decision - on their behalf. The East will respond to this, which can push us in the direction of a trade war, the Hungarian prime minister noted, adding that

if there is a trade war, we will not be able to sell goods produced in Hungary.


Adapting to the post-war world

Regarding the situation in air transport, PM Orban called it unacceptable that in recent weeks some flights could only depart with delays of 18 to 20 hours. Once the government has taken over the airport, this will no longer be a problem, he said. "There are expectations set by the government, and I have called on the ministers to enforce them," he added.

Speaking about petrol prices, Viktor Orban said that once an agreement is concluded with distributors, it must be respected, and therefore it is inadmissible that Hungarians pay more for petrol than the average price in neighboring countries.

There's no such thing that for a while, prices can remain in this range, and then all of the sudden distributors cannot keep within this price range. This is what's happening now. I want to make it clear that we are now asking. But we won't say it twice. We have an agreement, it must be respected. Hungarians paying more for fuel than the average price in neighboring countries is unacceptable. And we will take action if asking doesn't help,

Viktor Orban said.


Encouraging signs in the economy

There are encouraging signs. After the war, we will live in a different world than before,

the Hungarian prime minister said speaking about the economic situation.  It is necessary to adapt to the post-war world, he said. Regarding tourism, he emphasized that it is one of the most important sectors in Hungary's economy. "This year, tourism in Hungary may have a record year, which is important because it is the best money source. People come here, spend their money here, and the money stays here. After the purchase of the airport, tourism can further strengthen," he added.

"At the same time, we are launching a home renovation scheme and trying to make agreements with employers to leave as much money as possible in people's pockets. Everyone continues to have the opportunity to find a job in Hungary," PM Oban said, adding that inflation must be tackled, and agreements will be reached with employers that will result in good wages."

If inflation is high, at least there should be good wages,

he said. The Hungarian prime minister hopes for a general improvement in the situation within a perceptible timeframe.


Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban speaks on public radio's regular Friday morning program (Photo: MTI/Hungarian PM's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)



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