Presenting the New Hungarian Dog Breed

The Sinka was developed by crossing boxers, pit bull terriers and German shepherds.

2024. 08. 09. 15:37
Sinka, the new Hungarian herding dog (Source: Keszthely Television/YouTube)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

A new national dog breed has been registered by the Association of Hungarian Canine Breeds. The breed called Sinka has been recognized by the Association as a herding dog.

Sinka is the tenth national canine breed, following the Komondor, the Pumi, the Mudi, the Puli, the Kuvasz, the Hungarian Greyhound, the short-haired and wire-haired Vizsla and the Transylvanian Hound. The new dog type is designed to herd grey cattle and sheep, not surprisingly, as it is developed by crossing boxers, pit bull terriers and German shepherds.

The name is derived from the Hungarian terms "sima szoru" [meaning smooth-haired]. According to a YouTube video by Keszthely Television, the Sinka is an intelligent, hard-working dog breed,

capable of working all day with very little water

on the plains of the Hortobagy.

Cover photo: Sinka, the new Hungarian herding dog (Source: Keszthely Television/YouTube)

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