This Is Why Brussels Punishes Hungary

It's shameful that the most vocal supporters of illegal migration hardly shoulder any of the obligations arising from the implementation of the pact that attracts migrants like a magnet, the state secretary said.

2024. 08. 11. 11:47
Migrants disembark at the port of Naples, Italy, on August 1, 2024 (Photo: AFP/Paolo Manzo/NurPhoto)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Brussels wastes no time when it comes to implementing the flawed migration pact quickly. The European Commission's implementing decision setting out the distribution of mandatory permanent places at the border and the annual number of border procedures for member states has been published today," Parliamentary State Secretary and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of European Union Affairs Pal Barna Zsigmond posted on social media.

This is an exceptionally huge burden for our country, as Hungary alone would have to provide more than a quarter of the total EU capacity, 25.7 percent, that is, a total of 7,716 places would have to be maintained on a permanent basis and more than 15,000 procedures are to be conducted in the first year. In subsequent years, the number of procedures carried out at the border would have to be ensured up to three or four times the total reception capacity. This is several times higher than the quotas for France and Germany, and even higher than the targets for Bulgaria and Greece lying on the front line of the Western Balkan migration route. Under the decision, only Italy will have to process more applications than Hungary,

Pal Barna Zsigmond highlighted.
It is unacceptable and completely irrational that only two member states, Hungary and Italy, are required to maintain more than half of the total reception capacity at the EU's external borders, while the other 25 states would share the remaining less than half, he added.

"The pact on migration requires member states to permanently maintain a capacity to receive 30,000 applications at EU level at any given moment. The quota per member state is determined by the Commission on the basis of the illegal migration statistics reported by member states over the last three years.  It is therefore clear that the formula used by the Commission is completely out of touch with reality, is based on a wrong approach and an ill-considered model, as it punishes those member states that have consistently protected their borders against illegal immigrants, and have consistently informed the European Union of this," he pointed out.

The decision just published is a complete mockery of real solidarity between member states. It is yet another cynical attempt by the pro-war, Soros-backed left-wing bureaucracy in Brussels to maintain the politically generated migration process, said the state secretary.

 It's shameful that the most vocal supporters of illegal migration hardly shoulder any of the obligations arising from the implementation of the pact that attracts migrants like a magnet while an exceptionally huge burden is placed on Hungary, which has consistently protected the Schengen borders since 2015,

Pal Barna Zsigmond wrote, recalling that barely two months ago, the Court of Justice of the European Union issued an unjust and outrageous decision ordering Hungary to pay a fine of €200 million and an additional daily penalty payment of €1 million for violating Brussels' migration policy.

Brussels is punishing Hungary because we uphold our pro-peace stance, we stand up for the protection of national borders, and we refuse to accept large numbers of migrants according to the ideas of the Brussels leadership, which supports illegal migration,

he posted.
A paradigm shift is needed in European policies as soon as possible: instead of the flawed migration pact, we need common sense, effective border protection and the processing of asylum applications outside the borders, Pal Barna Zsigmond stressed. This is why curbing migration is one of the priorities during Hungary's EU presidency. In view of this, we are paying particular attention to the external dimension of migration, such as effective cooperation with the third countries concerned and increasing the efficiency of returning migrants, he said.

We will not allow Hungary to become an immigrant country,

the state secretary wrote in conclusion.

Cover photo: Migrants disembark at the port of Naples, Italy, on August 1, 2024 (Photo: AFP/Paolo Manzo/NurPhoto)

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