Woke Community Launches Astonishing Attack on Spanish Catholic Bishop

Although we live in peculiar times, one cannot exist as a man or a woman or anything in between at will, the Spanish Catholic bishop said in his sermon.

2024. 08. 20. 16:19
Illustration (Photo: NurPhoto via AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Catholic bishop of  Bilbao is accused of transphobia and inciting hatred. Joseba Segura made what the Left calls scandalous and hateful statements about trans people in his sermon last week, saying that one cannot exist as a man or a woman or anything in between at will.

They are trying to impose on us the idea that the body has nothing to say,

the bishop said, adding that although today's society is living in a peculiar time, people cannot identify with the gender they want, without reference to the body they were born with.

While the cult of the beautiful body is spreading, with its diets, gyms and plastic surgery, at the same time it is questioned whether that same body can impose restrictions and limits on our will to be what we want to be,

Bishop Segura said, stressing that it is one thing to recognize the dissatisfaction and suffering of some people with their bodies, and quite another to try to impose the idea that the body has nothing to say. Left-wing media outlets accused the bishop of Bilbao of transphobia and barbarism towards trans people over the ideas expressed in the homily, which they claimed had nothing to do with the values taught by Catholicism.

The Left in Spain is among the most rabid supporters of the gender propaganda in Europe. Under the government of Pedro Sanchez, the trans law was passed, allowing individuals to change their legally registered gender without medical supervision, and also for minors without parental approval,

Vajk Farkas told Magyar Nemzet. After the Paris Olympics, the case of the bishop of Bilbao perfectly shows the increasingly frightening dimensions woke insanity is taking on in Europe, said the head of the Madrid Office of the Center for Fundamental Rights.

Saying out factual reality immediately led to a concerted barrage on the church leader, a wave of attacks that disrespects natural facts, pluralism of opinion or religious freedom. According to the woke fighters, saying that gender and gender characteristics assigned at birth cannot be ignored  qualifies as transphobia and hate speech,

he said.

However, a significant number of Spaniards do not seem to agree with publicly denigrating and stigmatizing the bishop. The majority of users on X wrote that the church leader only spoke the truth, which should not lead to any atrocity, and it is a huge mistake to accuse him of inciting hatred, as his sermon only drew on common sense and science.

This also shows how far the woke-elite dominating the European media is from people and common sense, and that the left-wing generally believed that it could use natural science as an ally against religion. This case also highlights that gender propaganda has gone so far that today religion is an ally of natural science in the face of woke madness,

Vajk Farkas pointed out.

As is known, in early 2023, Spain passed the trans law, which was drafted by the far-left Unidas Podemos, the Socialists' coalition partner at the time, facilitating the gender change of minors. Under the new regulations, anyone aged over 16 can request to change their gender registered at birth on their documents and all they have to do is to fill out a form, declaring which gender they identify with. Since then, many people have exploited the opportunities provided by the trans law. 

In Spanish prisons, for example, it has become common practice for male prisoners to request a sex change so that they can be transferred to the mixed or female unit, where they can serve their sentence in more relaxed conditions.

This can happen because the new legislation does not require medical or judicial approval from those wanting to change their gender, nor does it require them to undergo hormone therapy or surgery. 

Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: AFP)

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