Young People Rally to PM Orban's Call

The call to Fidelitas recruitment that Hungary's prime minister announced at the Tusvanyos event has begun in earnest.

2024. 08. 02. 15:19
Fidelitas tisztújító kongresszusa Forrás: Facebook
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Mandiner portal asked the president of Fidelitas [the youth movement of the governing Fidesz party] about the extent to which the younger generation took the Hungarian prime minister's statements to heart.

Daniel Farkas responded, 

we are already the biggest organization with the largest number of young people lining up on the battlefield when it comes to campaigning and political battles.

According to the organization president, Fidelitas is present in all of Hungary's counties, cities, constituencies, smaller municipalities and even in the councils of local governments.

Fidesz's youth movement is currently undergoing a rejuvenation in several respects. In the meantime, recruitment under the Fidelitas banner has begun in earnest, as the PM called for at the end of his speech at the Balvanyos Summer Free University (Tusvanyos) in Baile Tusnad recently.  Mr Farkas stressed,

We, in our thirties, will be handing over the baton to a team of well prepared twenty-some-year-olds who have already done a lot of hard work and who will be responsible for training and nurturing young political warriors for the next ten years.

When asked what today's young people are like and whether they support right-wing values, the Fidelitas president said that there is no such distinction as today's young people or young people of old, there are only national-minded, patriotic, ready to fight young people and there are globalist, woke-liberal free groups, who are hard to pin down because they thematicize public opinion through a loosely knit, yet strong network.


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