Policy Chief: Europe Needs Stricter Border Protection and Immigration Policies

Balazs Orban, the Hungarian prime minister's political director, reacted on social media to a statement by Brussels Mayor Philippe Close, who said he would stop migrant buses heading to the Belgian capital.

2024. 09. 10. 10:32
Balazs Orban, PM Viktor Orban's Political Director (Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Brussels only wants to help migrants so long as they stay in other EU countries. Brussels Mayor Philippe Close is downright terrified that migrants could soon be arriving on buses from Hungary, so he's asked Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo for assistance. 

The mayor of Brussels flipped out when he learned that migrants could be arriving en masse to the Belgian capital,

– Balazs Orban wrote on his Facebook page. 

Philippe Close shared an X-post complaining about the migrant buses heading to Brussels from Roszke, and he asked the Belgian prime minister to stop these otherwise regular, chartered bus services. We would remind the mayor of Brussels that it is not Hungary, but the Brussels elite that has invited millions of refugees to Europe with its pro-immigration and open-borders policies. Unfortunately, it seems that this elite would rather run away from the consequences of its decisions than face them,

– reads Balazs Orban's post.

Europe needs not only responsible leadership, but also stricter border protection and immigration policies, of which the Hungarian model is a good example,

– PM Orban's political director wrote in conclusion. 


Cover photo: Balazs Orban (Source: Facebook)

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