Crowds at Peter Magyar's Protest Estimated at Three Thousand

Turnout fell well below the opposition Tisza Party's expectations of a hundred thousand.

2024. 10. 06. 14:21
Actor and Tisza Party supporter Ervin Nagy (Photo: Attila Polyak)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In stark contrast to the high expectations, barely a few thousand people turned up for Saturday's demonstration called by Peter Magyar. Based on footage from the scene, the number of participants is estimated at three thousand. Although the Tisza Party chief had previously talked about a crowd of 100,000 (according to independent MP Akos Hadhazy, who also spoke at the event, that is roughly how many people are needed to achieve something), the momentum has apparently run out. Not surprisingly, Peter Magyar and his party have still not revealed their views on world affairs, their political messages have not changed, and in the recent Budapest Municipal Assembly it was clear that Tisza politicians are not faring well in day-to-day politics either.

Magyar Nemzet's live coverage of the demonstration can be read HERE



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