German Exodus to Hungary Intensifies + Video

The number of Germans moving to Hungary is steadily increasing year by year, with many leaving their homeland due to the West's failed migration policies, seeking a safer environment in Hungary.

2024. 10. 05. 15:49
German citizen Gisela Keilbach speaking to the daily Magyar Nemzet newspaper
German citizen Gisela Keilbach speaking to the daily Magyar Nemzet newspaper (Source: HIR TV)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– "It's no longer possible to live safely in Germany, although that is a basic human right," Gisela Keilbach told Magyar Nemzet. Born in Germany, Gisela moved to the small Hungarian village of Kisgorbo several years ago.

Speaking to our paper, she said it doesn't surprise her that more and more young Germans are considering starting families in Hungary. According to Gisela, the main problem in Germany is that locals are expected to adapt to illegal immigrants, and attacks on Germans in the streets have become a daily occurrence.

Last year, the number of Germans moving to Hungary increased by nearly 35 percent. According to data compiled by, Germans are now purchasing property not only in the Lake Balaton region but also across the country, with the intention of making Hungary their permanent home.

The number of those relocating may continue to grow, despite many Western countries recently announcing stricter migration policies. 

"There are now 3.5 million immigrants living in Germany," noted Viktor Marsai, director of the Migration Research Institute. He added that it will be a difficult task to reverse the consequences of the West's migration policies.


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