Peter Magyar Puts Hungary in the Crosshairs by Spreading Fake News

We must learn to distinguish what is not merely a matter of chasing popularity," said Jozsef Horvath, director of the Sovereignty Protection Research Institute, in response to Peter Magyar spreading false claims that the deposed Syrian president’s plane had landed in Hungary. The Government Information Center announced that the Constitution Protection Office has launched an investigation into the matter.

2024. 12. 10. 15:02
Tisza Party commemorates the 68th anniversary of the 1956 Revolution and War of Independence on October 23, 2024, in Budapest. The photo, taken by Attila Polyak, MW, shows Tisza Party chief Peter Magyar
Tisza Party commemorates the 68th anniversary of the 1956 Revolution and War of Independence on October 23, 2024, in Budapest. The photo, taken by Attila Polyak, MW, shows Tisza Party chief Peter Magyar
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– This is tantamount to painting a target on Hungary,” said Jozsef Horvath, when asked about Peter Magyar spreading the false claim that deposed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had arrived in Budapest. Magyar Hang, the media outlet responsible for the initial false report, issued a public apology, but Mr. Magyar continues to spread the misinformation on his Facebook page. According to the director of the Sovereignty Protection Research Institute, anyone entering Hungarian politics with the intention of gaining a prominent position must learn and understand to distinguish certain issues that are not about chasing popularity.

These include matters of national security, which have a direct impact on Hungary’s safety,

– he added.

Mr. Horvath emphasized that it is not enough to excel in communication or collect likes on social media; a politician must possess adequate professional knowledge backed by a thorough, solid foundation, to understand the risks of making careless statements. Such statements, he warned, leave lasting consequences. Such news requires verification and precision. The focus should not be on potential political gains but on whether it harms the country in whose interest one claims to serve, he emphasized.

Politicians who fail to meet this standard will lose public trust very swiftly,

– he noted in response to Mr. Magyar’s actions.

Authorities to investigate Mr. Magyar

As previously reported by Magyar Nemzet, the Government Information Center confirmed to the Mandiner news site that Hungary's Constitution Protection Office has initiated an immediate national security investigation to determine who was behind creating and perpetuating the false narrative. The findings will be reported to Parliament's National Security Committee.

Peter Magyar sought to incite political turmoil against Hungary’s government,

– security expert Georg Spottle told our newspaper.

According to Mr. Spottle, Peter Magyar is determined to seize power at any cost, resorting to spreading falsehoods, lying, and manipulating his followers to gain their trust. He pointed out that Mr. Magyar has been involved in numerous scandals since entering politics, and he criticized the behavior of the Tisza Party chief as unworthy of a statesman - a role Mr. Magyar attempts to project.

He's a narcissistic and manipulative individual, who poses a threat to the future,

– he added.

Peter Magyar stops at nothing 

– Magyar Péter politikai karriert célzó nyilvános szereplésének első pillanatától hadilábon áll a tényekkel – fogalmazott lapunknak Boros Bánk Levente, a From the very beginning of his public appearances aimed at building a political career, Peter Magyar has struggled with the facts,” said Bank Levente Boros, director of political analysis at the Nezopont Institute. Mr. Boros highlighted that Mr. Magyar has been repeatedly caught making statements inconsistent with reality, failing to provide evidence for his claims, or acting contrary to his own declarations—what is commonly referred to as lying. According to Mr. Boros, it is expected of a representative, and even more so of a party leader aspiring to lead a country, to not only tell the truth but to be well-informed—especially in situations where lives are at stake.

Clearly, he continues to disregard these standards, indicating a willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve political power. This behavior is corroborated by audio recordings that reveal a persona different from the one he presents publicly,

– Mr. Boros declared.

Cover photo: Peter Magyar (Photo: Mediaworks/Attila Polyak)


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