Embarrassing Reality for Peter Magyar: Majority of Voters Don't Want Early Elections

A survey by the Nezopont Institute shows the percentage of those agreeing with the Tisza Party president's demand has decreased compared to April 2024.

Forrás: Nezopont Institute2025. 01. 11. 10:23
Peter Magyar, Tisza Party president (Photo: Mediaworks)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

A significant majority of voters disagree with Peter Magyar's demand for early parliamentary elections stated in his New Year's address, an opinion poll conducted by the Nezopont Institute in the second week of January found. Results show that

61% of active voters believe there is no reason to bring forward the regular Parliamentary elections scheduled for 2026, while only a third (33%) think early elections are necessary.

This isn't the first time opposition Tisza Party chief Peter Magyar has called for early elections . According to the findings of the institute, compared to April last year, the proportion of those agreeing with his demand has declined.

In April 2024, though still a minority, somewhat more people (37%) supported the Tisza Party president’s proposal, compared to the January numbers. The survey also shows that four out of ten Tisza voters do not support Peter Magyar's demand with nearly one-third (32%) believing the 2026 elections should not be brought forward, 7% were undecided or unwilling to answer, and 61% backing the party president's initiative.

"Based on this, it can be assumed that 40% of Tisza voters do not believe their party would win an early election, otherwise, they would hardly be opposed to holding one,"

the institute summarized in its analysis. They added that surveys claiming an alleged advantage for the Tisza Party have evidently not fully convinced even the party’s voters.

Cover photo: Peter Magyar, Tisza Party president (Photo: Mediaworks)

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