Government Spokesperson: Key Things That Await Us in 2025 + Video

Eszter Vitalyos summarized the decisions going into effect today, as well as what Hungarians can look forward to in the rest of the year.

Forrás: Hungarian Government Facebook page2025. 01. 01. 15:45
Eszter Vitalyos, Hungarian government spokesperson (Photo: MTI/Noemi Bruzak)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"I wish for all of us that 2025 will finally bring peace and security," Eszter Vitalyos, government spokesperson, said in a video posted on the social media page of the Government of Hungary. She also expressed her wishes that our personal and community resources can be used to strengthen Hungary, the Hungarian economy, Hungarian businesses, our towns and villages, and that families with children and young people can move forward, and that older people can feel safe and secure.

"To achieve these, many new measures will enter into force in the New Year. The Demjan Sandor program for small and medium-sized enterprises in Hungary will be launched, with tax breaks, preferential loans, grants and capital injections. Businesses will be able to receive HUF 1400 billion (appox 3.4 billion EUR), she said.

The spokesperson stressed that

minimum wage and pension increases also went into force today, as well as a number of housing, home renovation, home creation and rental subsidies.

"Working young people can apply for the new Workers' loan, while those under 25 can continue to benefit from the income tax-free measure already in place. The family tax scheme will be further expanded from July this year, with a fifty percent increase in the family tax credit allowance, which will be repeated again six months later."

"In addition, many investments will be launched to help the Hungarian economy, businesses and our communities. Every effort will be made in 2025 to maintain Hungary as a country of Hungarians, and to defend our national sovereignty and security.  I wish you all a very happy New Year! Happy New Year, Hungary!" Eszter Vitalyos closed.

Cover photo: Eszter Vitalyos, Hungarian government spokesperson (Photo: MTI/Noemi Bruzak)

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