The Hungarian tax authority (NAV) is investigating the Democratic Coalition (DK) mayor of Ujpest (Budapest's 4th district), Norbert Trippon and his wife's home renovation on suspicion of budgetary fraud committed in a criminal conspiracy and on a commercial scale, as well as the use of false official personal documents. The Budapest Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office, which is overseeing the case, confirmed to our newspaper that the investigation is ongoing. So far, three people have been questioned as suspects.

If the case progresses to an indictment and conviction, the perpetrators could face up to eight years in prison. However, according to available information, Trippon is not currently a suspect in the investigation.
A whistleblower speaks out
The scandal began when an anonymous individual filed a report with NAV regarding Motingatlan Kft, a company involved in a billion-forint criminal ring specializing in invoice fraud, and its connection to the mayor.
The informant alleged that Motingatlan issued large, likely fictitious invoices to Trippon's wife for renovation work on their family home.
However, according to the whistleblower, the actual renovations were carried out by a different company, SZIN-KER EPITO Kft., rather than Motingatlan. The home renovation coincided with a large 4th district public contract awarded to SZIN-KER by Ujpest Varosgondnoksag Kft., a municipally-owned company whose revenue comes exclusively from public funds.
The whistleblower suggested that carrying out the home renovation - allegedly using public money - was an underlying criteria of being awarded the public contract which also served as cover. He also claimed that Trippon paid the fraudulent invoices from his personal bank account via wire transfer, a claim that will be verified by investigators. Trippon has firmly denied any wrongdoing in previous statements.
Bribery allegations against politicians
Earlier reports revealed that one of the suspects in the case is the CEO of Motingatlan, who has testified against the Trippons. Due to these allegations, Fidesz MP Gyula Budai filed a report with authorities, alleging bribery .
According to Budai’s complaint:
The CEO of SZIN-KER EPITO Kft. allegedly told Motingatlan’s director a few years ago that they had worked in several DK-controlled districts and had to make various payments to politicians in exchange for contracts.
Authorities are reportedly investigating these bribery claims within the larger tax fraud case.
The testimony states that Trippon—then deputy mayor, now mayor— via SZIN-KER CEO requested invoices for his home renovation issued in Motingatlan’s name to legitimize the work. The Motingatlan CEO complied and issued four invoices between mid-2020 and November 2020, totaling nearly 23 million forints (approx. €58,000) made out to Trippon’s wife. The testimony further claims that after the invoices were settled, the Motingatlan CEO withdrew the payment in cash and handed them over to the CEO of SZIN-KER.