Embarrassing Failure

Globalism has faltered, its value choices are invalid, and being a liberal today is both boring and embarrassing.

2025. 02. 24. 15:06
Mexico to amend constitution because of Trump's decisions (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

There is a widespread but strange misconception about politics in general (mostly among superficial observers, let’s clarify that right away). According to this view, the leaders, strategists, and masterminds of global and national politics are essentially short-sighted fools who have no real understanding of what they are doing. Because of this, they are impossible to take seriously, and in fact, the future belongs to the so-called “pragmatists” or “realists”—those who have always known what to say, when to say it, and how far they can go.

This belief is a massive mistake.

When certain media outlets—fine, let’s be specific, like 444.hu—frame every third news story with a headline and content implying that Fidesz members or patriotic forces are deranged lunatics, all they’re doing is reinforcing this false narrative for their followers. They create the illusion that weak-minded fools who stumbled into politics are running the show, while they—the knowledgeable and wise intellectuals at 444.hu—see through the chaos with perfect clarity. This charade is exposed by a simple fact: according to them, there are no idiots on the Left. 444.hu never writes about them. And if they don’t write about something, it doesn’t exist—the familiar classic leftist formula. But let’s be honest, without irony: anyone who actually believes that Viktor Orban’s government, Trump’s White House, or any other patriotic administration is run by madmen simply doesn’t understand politics. If someone defines politics not in terms of strategic planning, timing, patience, and action but through the propagandistic narrative of 444.hu—which boils down to “hehe, all right-wingers are idiots”—then that person is incapable of independent thought and their opinion is worth about as much as a horseshoe on a dead horse.

Lately, we’ve been hearing the same about Donald Trump—that he has lost his mind. I get it: since he won the election, his opponents have to say something about him. That much is obvious. But, of course, none of his predecessors were ever labeled as fools: not the Oral Office star, not the alcoholic cowboy, not the cynical lawyer, and not Leonid Ilyich Biden, who congratulates shadows. But Trump is different—he goes against the current. He is not a fake conservative, he is not a globalist, and as a result, he gets no protection from the so-called "serious" press. Anyone who forms their opinion of Trump solely based on crumbs from the globalist media obviously understands nothing about him. They don’t understand how he won again, who supported him and why, or what kind of America he is building. Consequently, they have no idea what the next four years will bring—they don’t realize that, hopefully, President Trump will shake up the world a little. More precisely, he will restore normalcy. And that must happen, whether 444.hu and its followers like it or not.

The bad news for them is this: everything they believed in—the libertinism, the filth, the disease, the triumph of ignorance—is already in the past. Globalism has faltered, its value choices are invalid, and being a liberal today is both boring and embarrassing. This is no longer just about Donald Trump. Yes, he is an important messenger and a flagship for the patriots, but his fate is not what’s at stake. What truly matters is our world—a world that has been temporarily crippled, ruined, and looted—finally rising to its feet again. And this is not just a possibility but a certainty. We are living through a change of era. Unfortunately for the other side, the only thing they seem to notice is that they think everyone else is an idiot. They will pay the price for their mistake—that's a certainty.

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