Peter Magyar has made yet another absurd and hard-to-believe claim by stating that, if his party comes to power, they will change the Hungarian asset declaration system. His criticism of the system is deeply flawed. On the one hand, Hungary’s model is among the strictest in the entire European Union, making his criticism unfounded and aligning him with left-liberal experts. In recent years, various leftist-liberal human rights advocates have repeatedly criticized Hungary’s asset declaration regulations.
Peter Magyar Keeps Making Promises and Failing to Deliver
Since his entry into politics, Peter Magyar has contradicted his previous statements multiple times. Now, the president of the Tisza Party has criticized Hungary’s asset declaration system, claiming that it should be changed, even though the Hungarian system is one of the strictest in the EU. It is worth remembering that earlier, Peter Magyar lied about taking up his MEP mandate and about parliamentary immunity.
Members of the Hungarian national assembly must disclose far more than MEPs. They must report all real estate, movable assets, securities, savings, cash holdings, bank loans, private loans, and public debts in their name. Additionally, they are required to declare any income-generating activities they engage in while serving as MPs, as well as any business interests that could influence public policy issues.
Peter Magyar’s criticism of Hungary’s system is laughable, considering that, as an MEP, he is subject to far more lenient regulations
MEPs have a much easier task, as they only need to declare real estate worth over five thousand euros and disclose shares, bonds, and investment funds only if they exceed the same value. This threshold also applies to non-EU bank accounts and loans.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Furthermore, MEPs must declare if they have received more than five thousand euros annually for attending events, if they hold other positions, if they work alongside their parliamentary duties, or if they have received external funding that could influence their activities as MEPs. However, the EU’s asset declaration system only requires them to indicate income ranges, rather than specifying exact amounts.
Peter Magyar’s promise to change Hungary’s asset declaration system can be seen as a simple campaign rhetoric—something he is unlikely to follow through on.
It is worth recalling that, during the European Parliament election campaign, the Tisza leader claimed he would not take up his mandate. However, he later held a vote among his supporters and decided to become an MEP after all despite previously describing
the position as a sham job.
Peter Magyar also promised to abolish parliamentary immunity. Last year, however, multiple witnesses unanimously claimed that after consuming large amounts of alcohol, Peter Magyar behaved aggressively and disorderly for hours at a nightclub in central Budapest.
Several people filmed the incident, and at one point, Magyar forcibly grabbed a phone from someone’s hand and refused to return it. After being escorted out by security, he threw the device into the Danube.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Following multiple complaints regarding this nightclub scandal, a police investigation was launched. However, since Peter Magyar has parliamentary immunity, the case was transferred to the Central Chief Prosecution Office of Investigation. Eventually, the prosecution requested the president of the European Parliament to suspend Magyar’s immunity over the theft charges.
Despite previously claiming that parliamentary immunity was unnecessary, Magyar is now hiding behind it, as he has not asked his fellow MEPs to lift his immunity.
Cover photo: Peter Magyar (Photo: Attila Polyak)
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