Tamas Lanczi: We Distinguish Between Genuine Civil and Political Pressure Organizations

According to the head of Hungary's Sovereignty Protection Office, the recent USAID scandal has given new momentum to the work of uncovering pressure networks.

Forrás: Origo2025. 02. 22. 12:53
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Tamas Lanczi, President of Hungary's Sovereignty Protection Office, stated in InfoRadio's Arena program that political pressure organizations must be clearly separated from genuine civil organizations, and that a proposal to this effect has already been submitted to the legislature. Lanczi believes that the USAID scandal that erupted in the United States has given new impetus to the work of uncovering pressure networks.

In the interview, Lanczi highlighted that the greatest achievement of the Sovereignty Protection Office, which has been operating for a year, is the exposure of networks that have manipulated Hungarian public life, and the identification of their funding mechanisms. He noted that the full extent of the network has only become visible since the new U.S. administration made public the most important data regarding the influence and political pressure network built by the Democratic Party over the past decades.

This is a very extensive, sprawling network. We have published reports and analyses on this, which have sparked significant debates,

he added.

He also explained that his office has examined the narratives represented by various networks and has managed to highlight great power interests, primarily linked to the United States, while also identifying Russian attempts at influence concerning war narratives.

The Goal: Prevent political pressure organizations from accepting foreign funds 

According to Tamas Lanczi, during the regime change, there was a consensus that political parties in Hungary should only be financed from Hungarian sources. The party law was enacted because the legislature recognized the danger of foreign influence.

If we declared that parties should not accept foreign funding, then the same general principle should be applied to political pressure organizations as well,

he emphasized, noting that approximately 60,000 NGOs operate in Hungary, 99% of which engage in genuinely civil activities. By contrast, pressure organizations exploit the lenient Hungarian regulations to blend in among them.

The president of the Office highlighted that the laws of many countries distinguish between civil and foreign-funded political organizations. They are referred to by various names; 

in the United States, for example, those acting on behalf of foreign entities are called foreign agents.

"We have proposed that those engaged in public activities, i.e., political pressure, and those who are genuine civil organizations, should be distinguished from each other," he stated, adding that these organizations should be made accountable.

USAID scandal reaches Hungary

Regarding the scandal involving the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), he stated that USAID is not actually a relief organization and never was intended to be. This is supported by the fact that Samantha Power, the former head of USAID, recently admitted that dismantling the agency would be a huge blow to American national security.

Lanczi pointed out that, 

according to currently available information, USAID has directly funded more than a hundred organizations in Hungary, with others receiving funds indirectly. The uncovering of these funding channels is now underway, 

he emphasized.

After 1990, it quickly became clear that George Soros was not a goodwill ambassador

 The president of the Sovereignty Protection Office also mentioned that in the 1980s, the interests of the Hungarian democratic opposition and George Soros roughly coincided, which could be summarized as "Soviets get out of the country."

However, after the regime change, their paths diverged because forces interested in Hungarian sovereignty recognized that after the Soviets' departure, Soros was establishing a new form of oppression with his organizations.


Strengthening sovereignty protection laws

Lanczi emphasized the need to strengthen the protection of Hungary's sovereignty. As part of this, beyond separating civil and foreign-funded political pressure organizations, these organizations must be compelled to disclose data they currently conceal from the Hungarian public. He believes that the strict regulations applicable to political parties should serve as a basis, and loopholes allowing foreign interest groups to finance activities influencing Hungarian public life should be eliminated. The Office has made proposals to this effect to Hungarian decision-makers, he emphasized.

Brussels is conducting a show trial against Hungary

He explained that it is quite self-revealing that while the Sovereignty Protection Law was not even adopted yet, so the European Union could not have seen the final text, yet their official letter, the complaint, based on which Brussels attacked Hungary, was already drafted.

Nevertheless, he continued, as the president of the Office, he has sought to engage in dialogue with everyone, be it the Venice Commission or ambassadors from other countries. He has responded to their comments, concerns, and veiled threats.

However, Brussels is conducting a show trial against our country, 

Tamas Lanczi said. He added that 

Hungarian sovereignty must not be compromised.


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