Zelensky Refuses to Hold Elections

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has made it clear that he sees no possibility of holding a presidential election while martial law remains in effect in Ukraine. In an interview with ITV News, he stated that holding elections could have disastrous consequences for the country, as it would require releasing soldiers from the front lines. Zelensky last ran for election in 2019, but citing the war, the vote has been postponed indefinitely.

2025. 02. 10. 13:34
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Ukraine's constitution explicitly states that elections cannot be held during martial law, and according to Zelensky, lifting this provision would pose a serious risk."If we suspend martial law, we lose the army. Soldiers could immediately demobilize, and no one would be happier about that than Russia," the Ukrainian president stated. He emphasized that society does not support holding elections, as people are fully aware of the potential consequences.

Volodimir Zelenszkij ukrán elnök szerint jelenleg nincs szükség választásokra
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says elections are unnecessary at this time. Photo: AFP


U.S. and Russian pressure over the elections

The United States has been increasing pressure on Kyiv to hold a presidential election before the end of the year. Keith Kellogg, an official in the new Trump administration, stated that elections would be seen as "a strengthening of democracy" and could help advance the peace process.

The White House aims to broker a ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia that would allow elections to take place.

Moscow is also demanding that elections be held, challenging Zelensky’s legitimacy and stating that it would only engage in long-term peace negotiations with a newly elected Ukrainian president. Russia has declared that it will not sign a peace agreement until Ukraine holds new presidential elections.


Zelensky: War could end in 2025

Despite all the pressure, President Zelensky remains firm in his stance, stating that he is open to negotiations with Russia, but only if he receives assurances that the United States and Europe will not abandon Ukraine. He added that there is a realistic chance the war could end by 2025, provided that Western countries impose further sanctions on Russia and continue to support Ukraine militarily and economically. The Ukrainian president continues to push for his country’s accession to NATO as a security guarantee.

Recently, he also declared that if NATO membership is not possible, Ukraine would seek to acquire nuclear weapons, arguing that only nuclear deterrence can ensure lasting peace.

For now, however, Kyiv must not only hold its ground on the battlefield but also withstand mounting international pressure. How long Zelensky can maintain the current political situation without elections largely depends on the positions taken by the United States and European leaders in the coming months.


Cover photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky holds a press conference with Donald Tusk in Warsaw, on January 15, 2024 (Photo: AFP)


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