Hungary FM: We Stand Firm for Peace and Peace Negotiations

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto traveled to Washington, where he met with his American counterpart, Marco Rubio. A golden era in Hungarian-US relations is coming and under Donald Trump's leadership, peace could be achieved, after three years of war, Hungary's foreign minster said.

2025. 03. 05. 10:47
Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto and US Secretary of State Marco Rubio in Washington on March 4, 2025 (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Peter Szijjarto met with US State Secretary Marco Rubio in Washington. During their talks, they addressed the Russia-Ukraine war, the lifting of punitive measures imposed on Hungary by the Biden administration, and Hungarian-US economic cooperation.

Szijjártó Péter szerint új fejezet nyílt a magyar–amerikai kapcsolatokban
A new chapter has opened in Hungarian-US relations, Peter Szijjarto says (Photo: AFP)

Hungary FM: US administration stands on the side of peace

Peter Szijjarto described the meeting as extremely useful and expressed his satisfaction that the United States has joined Hungary's pro-peace stance.

The US president, the US state secretary and the US government maintain the position despite all conflicts and difficulties that the war in Ukraine must not continue,

the Hungarian foreign minister stated. During the meeting, Marco Rubio emphasized that they see peace negotiations as the only realistic way to end the Russia-Ukraine war. Peter Szijjarto assured his American counterpart that Hungary will always be a reliable partner on the path to peace.

War rhetoric is not a strategy and is extremely harmful 

The two foreign ministers agreed that promoting the continuation of the war is an extremely dangerous stance, as the longer the conflict lasts, the greater the risk of escalation.

Marco Rubio confirmed that the United States had suspended military support for Ukraine.

Peter Szijjarto warned the US state secretary that there is some serious scheming in Western Europe against Donald Trump's peace plan. On Thursday, pro-war forces are gathering to push an alternative approach instead of peace negotiations. However, Hungary opposes this effort and will stay out.

We stand firm for peace and peace negotiations,

the foreign minister underlined, adding that Hungary is the only country in the EU that supported the peace resolution submitted by the United States at the UN, which was adopted by the Security Council.

We are strengthening the voice of the peace camp also in international politics,

said Peter Szijjarto, assuring his US counterpart of Hungary's continued support. Additionally, he expressed gratitude for cutting off USAID funding, which had caused the world to suffer for four years under the Democratic administration.

A new golden era may come in economic relations

Both parties agreed that a new golden era may be approaching in Hungarian-US economic cooperation.

The Trump administration is fully open to revoking the punitive measures imposed by the Biden administration.

Marco Rubio and Peter Szijjarto also discussed the withdrawal of measures taken by the Democrats that threaten Hungary's energy security and the establishment of a new agreement on the avoidance of double taxation.

This is a cooperation based on friendship and mutual respect,

Peter Szijjarto said in conclusion.

Cover photo: Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto and US Secretary of State Marco Rubio in Washington on March 4, 2025 (Photo: AFP)

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