Majority of Hungarians Reject Ukraine's EU Membership

A recent survey shows that 56 percent of the adult population opposes Ukraine's EU accession, while 39 percent supports it. Ukraine's EU membership would pose several threats to Hungary, one of which is receiving less funds for development due to the reallocation of EU subsidies, and Hungary's agriculture would also suffer. Hungary's prime minister has therefore initiated an indicative referendum, allowing Hungarians to express their views on Ukraine's EU accession.

2025. 03. 10. 10:49
European and Ukrainian flags outside the European External Action Service building in Brussels (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

According to data from a recent Median survey, the majority of Hungarian society rejects Ukraine's EU accession, the Hungarian news portal. The data indicate that

56 percent of the adult population opposes, while 39 percent supports the country's EU integration.

Among those who oppose it, a greater proportion firmly rejects Ukraine's accession, while among supporters, many back the issue with reservations. Median's data show that 39 percent of Hungarians support Ukraine's EU accession despite the fact that almost no one in the political arena argues for it.

Ukraine's EU membership poses serious threats

Ukraine's accession to the European Union could pose serious risks for Hungary. Ukrainian organized crime, gangs running prostitutes could gain a foothold, and the country could be flooded with drugs and illegal weapons.

The war conflict causes humanitarian and economic damage, as well as severe public health consequences. If Ukraine joins the EU, the risk of epidemics would also increase. Due to the ongoing fighting, hygiene conditions deteriorate, the spread of infectious diseases becomes more likely, and ensuring healthcare provision becomes more difficult.

Hungarian people to decide

Following the EU summit in Brussels, Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated that Ukraine's EU membership would pose multiple risks for Hungary. One such risk is receiving less funds for development due to the reallocation of EU subsidies, and Hungary's agriculture would also suffer. 

Hungary's prime minister has therefore initiated an indicative referendum, allowing Hungarians to express their views on Ukraine's EU accession. He emphasized that he would not like a decision on Ukraine's EU membership to be taken over the heads of the people.


Cover photo: European and Ukrainian flags outside the European External Action Service building in Brussels (Photo: AFP)

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