PM Orban: A Union, But Without Ukraine

"The favored ones throughout the ages have always managed to survive and have switched allegiances too often. In 1848, the imperial birds weighed down on our necks, and now Weber-birds are cawing over our heads," Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in his celebratory speech addressing crowds gathered in front of the National Museum to commemorate the country's 1848-49 War of Independence. He emphasized that Hungary will not allow a deal—Ukraine cannot become a member of the European Union at the expense of the Hungarian people. He also urged everyone to participate in the upcoming public opinion vote.

2025. 03. 15. 15:31
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban addressing crowds gathered in Budapest at the commemoration of the country's 1848-49 War of Independence, March 15, 2025 (Photo: Prime Minister's Press Office/ Vivien Cher Benko)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In his speech commemorating Hungary's March 15th national holiday, Orban declared that the idea of "Hungarian freedom has floated in the sky of history for centuries. Its origins go back a thousand years, and it will continue to endure for another thousand years". He noted that 177 years ago, Hungarian freedom took form and arrived among the people. 

He stressed that March 15th is a day for every Hungarian generation, and as long as a single Hungarian exists on Earth, this will remain so. "Glory to the youth of March!" he quoted the saying of Hungarians wanting freedom back in 1848-49.

Before giving ourselves over to celebrating the arrival of spring, PM Orban reminded Hungarians of their shared national mission and their duty to serve and protect their homeland.

Photo: Arpad Kurucz

We Are the Future

The prime minister recounted that for years, critics have claimed that Hungary represents the past. "They said this in 1848 and again in 1956. They are saying it now as well—that the future belongs to the 'rainbow empire'," he remarked. However, he argued that the tide is turning, revealing that "we are the future. The future belongs to patriots and independent nations." Viktor Orban rejected the notion that Hungary is isolated, saying: "the same accusations were made in 1848—yet Europe was soon echoing with the voices of Hungarian revolutionaries, and even in Vienna, a citizen from Buda led the rebelling forces. They also said this of us in 1956, but in the end Hungary struck the first blow against the Berlin Wall, ultimately bringing freedom to all of Europe. They are saying we are isolated now too, yet the whole world is watching us," he said.

Mr Orban questioned why so many people, from Vienna to Washington, are interested in what is happening in Hungary. "Certainly not because of our economy or our military might," he admitted, mentioning how the defining element of some nations is commerce, while for others it is philosophy, or the arts, or the sciences.

"For Hungarians, it is freedom. A Hungarian is in his element when he is fighting for his freedom," he declared.

The PM remarked that Hungary has once again stood its ground against a global empire, and that is the great secret that draws the world's attention.

Not Just Our Cause

"Our fight for freedom—just like in 1848—is not just Hungary’s cause; it is a battle for the soul of the Western world," Prime Minister Viktor Orban pointed out. "They want to lead our children and grandchildren into the chaos of unnatural lifestyles, and instead of peace, they want to enlist us in the service of the gods of war." He emphasized that Hungary has not surrendered and has not allowed its Parliament, government, or country to be taken over.

"For fifteen years, they haven’t been able to defeat us," the head of government declared, adding that Hungary’s defenses remain strong. He pointed out that the tide has turned—the patriots of the Western world have gained strength and achieved victories, and in the struggle for the soul of the West, "we are currently winning". "We should be proud because in this global battle for freedom, we have paved the way, and the Hungarian flag still flies high," he added.

Photo: Attila Polyak 


"No, No, Never!"

"The secret of Hungarian freedom fights, both past and present, is the same: Hungarians never fight just for themselves, but for their nation as well," Orban stated. "We are the people of freedom, and we cannot live without two things. We live for them, and we die for them. We want to live as free Hungarians, on our own terms."

He firmly rejected any compromise, borrowing the call of Hungarians against Austria in 1848: "No, no, never!" According to Orban, just as the nation is eternal, so too do empires remain unchanged. "Brussels wants subjugation and permanent provinces—taxpayers, but never free Hungarians," he said. Drawing a parallel to history, he argued that "Brussels wants to rule over us just as Vienna once did." However, he said Hungary must not turn away but instead take control from within: "We will occupy it and change it," he declared, warning "the time will come when we settle all accounts in Brussels."

"As for their lackeys paid by Brussels, we will send them back immediately—let them amuse each other in the European Parliament," he added. According to the prime minister, empires as inherently hungry and insatiable but insisted that Hungarians know that "being free is not just uplifting, but also worthwhile and rewarding".

A Union, But Without Ukraine

PM Orban argued that work, prosperity, well-being, and security can only be achieved if "the oppressors do not rob us". "Here in Hungary, we have built Europe’s only patriotic, national-minded economy in fifteen years," he said. The prime minister stressed that Hungary has suffered the greatest losses within the EU due to the Russia-Ukraine war. However, despite this, his government is implementing "Europe’s largest tax cuts" and securing "the future of Hungarian families for decades to come".

He criticized Europe’s involvement in the war, stating:

"Europe plunged headfirst into the Russia-Ukraine war, but we cannot help anyone by destroying our own country."According to PM Orban, "the empire does not want to help Ukraine—it wants to colonize it."

"We have only one answer: a Union, but without Ukraine," he declared, reminding audiences that Ukraine’s EU membership cannot be decided without Hungary’s approval and urged all Hungarians to participate in the upcoming public opinion vote.

Photo: Attila Polyak 


Start of Easter Cleaning

"The Easter cleaning is about to start. We will dismantle the entire shadow army. They are the modern-day 'loyalists'—Brussels’s loyal servants, who push the empire’s agenda for money, at the expense of their homeland."

He recalled historical betrayals, saying: "The favored ones throughout the ages have always managed to survive and switched allegiances too often. In 1848, imperial birds weighed down on us, and now Weber-birds are cawing over our heads". According to the prime minister, "We've had just about enough of them".

Modifying a line from a well known Hungarian song, the PM said, "The spring wind will rise—let it carry them away," he said. He predicted that the fate of today’s 'Brussels loyalists' will be the same as the Hapsburg loyalists in 1848: "We will defeat them again and again, because ‘a sword shines brighter than chains'," he quoted from the poem rallying Hungarians to the cause of independence in the war of 1848-49.

Prior to his speech, Viktor Orban had unveiled his government’s 12-point declaration, listing Hungary’s demands from Brussels. Copies of the document were distributed at the event and published on his social media pages.

12 pont Múzeumkert
The Hungarian nation's demands from Brussels (Photo: Zoltan Havran)


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