Tamas Menczer: For Hungary, Ukraine Is Not the Priority—Hungary Is

The consultative vote could further strengthen Hungary.

2025. 03. 11. 10:48
European and Ukrainian flags outside the European External Action Service building in the European Quarter in Brussels (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– The Hungarian government prioritizes Hungarian interests above all else, which is why it is launching a consultative vote on Ukraine's EU membership, said the communications director of the Fidesz-Chritian Democrat (KDNP) party alliance said. Speaking on public television, Tamas Menczer said it was rather problematic when the European Commission and the leaders of the EU - who are supposed to represent the member states and their interests - are instead prioritizing a country that's not even part of the community.

For Hungary, Ukraine is not the priority—Hungary is.

– "Ukraine's EU membership would pose serious risks, as the agricultural subsidies and cohesion funds would be redirected to Ukraine. In recent years, an enormous quantity of weapons has been sent to Ukraine, and in many cases, it is unclear whose hands they have ended up in. Organized crime also presents a severe challenge and, on top of all this, EU member states - including Hungary - are expected to make additional financial contributions," Mr. menczer stressed. He added that a current proposal on the table would require Hungary to pay an extra 200 billion forints annually. "All of this shows that 

Brussels bureaucrats, politicians, and leaders are not only pro-war but are also determined to bring Ukraine into the EU," 

– he asserted. According to Mr. Menczer, admitting their mistakes and acknowledging that they have made poor decisions would force these officials to face political consequences. "For example, they would have to step down from their positions, resign. But they do not want to do that, so instead, they continue charging full speed in the wrong direction." The politician believes that U.S. President Donald Trump has done more for peace in one to one and a half months than these individuals have in three years. The communications chief emphasized that

the Hungarian people's decisions have always been binding for the government, and remain so today.

– In this sense, the consultative vote on Ukraine is similar in nature to national consultations or even a referendum. The point is that when Prime Minister Viktor Orban negotiates in Brussels, he can say that he represents not only the Hungarian government but also the will of the Hungarian people. Viktor Orban stands up for Hungarian interests, and if the Hungarian people support him, he is strong enough to do so," he stated.

Regarding the investigation into corrupt funds flowing from Brussels, Mr. Menczer described what is unfolding as the biggest corruption scandal in the Western world, adding that 

the funding came from three sources: from the U.S., from Brussels, and from Soros-backed sources."

– "Through USAID, our well-meaning Democratic friends in the U.S. allocated approximately 50 billion dollars—about 20 trillion forints—to influence global affairs, of which a significant amount ended up in Hungary. Now, add to this the funds from Brussels, as well as money from the Soros network. We aim to deal with Soros and his affiliates by Easter, but we are also committed to uncovering the funds flowing from Brussels," Mr. Menczer said. He declared that they are doing everything possible to block the influx of "rolling dollars and euros" at both constitutional and lower legislative levels. "We cannot allow a situation where Hungarian individuals, representing foreign interests, work against their fellow Hungarians and against Hungary itself."

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