“A worsening war in Ukraine, inflation, a wartime crisis and energy crisis knocking on the door – this is what Europe’s leaders are working with today,” said Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in his radio show, “Jó reggelt, Magyarország!” (Good morning, Hungary!) on the Kossuth station. The Prime Minister reported on last week’s EU summit where they made a decision on Ukraine’s member status.
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The Prime Minister reported on last week’s EU summit where they made a decision on Ukraine’s member status.

“Becoming a member is a complicated process, you have to get through three – four phases. In order for negotiations to begin, the given country must meet certain expectations, including Hungary’s expectations connected to the Transcarpathian Hungarian community,” affirmed the Prime Minister.The PM also spoke about the fact that they were unable to get the Republic of Bosnia to be included in the group of candidates for membership. He said that Western leaders still do not understand the need for Balkan expansion and that all of Europe would benefit from Western Balkans integration.In addition, Viktor Orbán reminded listeners that Hungary did not even want to discuss another sanctions package as the gas embargo would bring even more drastic consequences than the oil embargo.The NATO summit was more difficult than the EU summit– declared the PM. “Sooner or later we will need to face reality,” he emphasized.
“Naturally, everyone is on Ukraine’s side because, according to public opinion – which Hungary shares as well – Russia had no cause for starting an open war. But since this is a war in which tens of thousands die, we do not want to get involved,” he added.
This is a war between two neighboring slavic countries, while NATO is a defensive alliance,– he pointed out.
According to Viktor Orbán, weapons are important in a time of war, but soldiers are the most important – and Hungary is in short supply. The PM believes that though Ukraine is fighting bravely, military realities are slowly taking into effect.
Though the question of Ukraine’s borders falling did not emerge during the summit, they did discuss Ukraine’s deep losses.
“The alarm was going off in my head during my whole trip home… the warzone could near Hungary much sooner than you think; that is exactly why military development processes should be at least two – three times faster,” he explained.NATO also senses that there is a problem. We decided to strengthen the alliance’s eastern wing,– he said.
Viktor Orbán also noted that Hungary wants to provide help in the Ukrainian war, and although we have never been supporters of sanctions, for the sake of EU unity, we do not want to always be vetoing. “Where conditions are not vital for Hungary, we are willing to give, but if it concerns life-or-death issues, we will not give in,” declared the PM. The right to veto is misunderstood because in the EU, decisions are made unilaterally. The PM stated that what is happening in Ukraine is terrible, which is why we must stand on the side of peace, also to bring an end to wartime inflation.
“It is in the interest of Hungary and all countries to establish peace,” announced the PM. Additionally, now is the time to protect our achievements – pensions, utility cuts, family support – and not allow the war to drag us backwards.In connection with border defense, Viktor Orbán explained that Hungary is in the unique position of being burdened by the refugee and migration crises.According to the PM, Brussels frequently claims that protecting Hungary’s border is in the interest of all of Europe – however, encouragement and funding from the EU would be much more helpful than their attacks.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Last year, 400 human traffickers were captured in Hungary, and in this year so far, they have already caught 750. In other words, the migrant market is growing.
The food shortages in Asia and Africa are prompting hordes of people to leave. Up until now, Ukraine has provided ten percent of the world’s grain exports, and this current situation only boosts migration. He continued to say that in the face of aggression, you cannot defend yourself with teddy bears and flowers. Thus, we are currently in need of a few thousand properly trained border rangers.Right now, soldiers must participate in military operations and police are lacking from where they have been reassigned. So, we must organize a new border ranger squad. We need to hire thousands more for protecting our borders,” he said, adding that this task was assigned to the Minister of the Interior.Viktor Orbán revealed that the if the Ministry of the Interior does not manage to complete this task, they have a backup plan.
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