After Joe Biden, Obama’s former “deputy” president, defeated his Republican opponent, Donald Trump, under dubious circumstances in the 2020 presidential election. Several conservative analysts pointed out that despite Biden’s promises during his campaign for a full political and social overhaul, he will most likely revert to the 2009-2017 Obama era foundations.
The US ambassador nominee has already violated diplomatic protocol
“The US ambassador to Hungary nominee, David Pressman, has already violated diplomatic protocol during his Foreign Affairs Committee hearing – this revealed not only his future approach to relations with the Hungarian government, but also his lack of political preparedness,” wrote Hungarian media portal Kontra.
However, the mainstream media, entirely biased in favor of the current president and Democratic leadership, described these important insights as a sham as they believe Washington must rebuild everything following Trump’s America with a radical new approach.
The debate overseas was on the radar of one of Donald Trump’s closest allies, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán – who was particularly targeted by Obama’s foreign policy between 2010 and 2016.As is known, André Goodfriend, former Deputy Chief of Mission in Budapest violated all diplomatic standards when he took part in an opposition protest which involved several members damaging the Fidesz headquarters.Aside from this, the so-called “American banning scandal” is also tied to him and the Obama presidency, when Goodfriend made unusually frequent statements to the opposition media. Not only that, he also served as a sort of narrator for the entire scandal which later turned out was caused by US political pressure and Hungarian opposition parties’ enthusiasm – in reality the Hungarian government had nothing to do with it nor any influence in the matter.Knowing this, the Hungarian government prepared itself for the Biden era, especially given that the incumbent US president, during his campaign not only called Hungary’s leadership a totalitarian dictator but also compared Orbán to a gangster.The true nature of the “building from the ground up” democratic slogan was revealed when soon after Biden appointed Secretary of State Antony Blinken, he already began unprecedentedly bashing Hungary, the government, and the Hungarian people without even contacting his Hungarian counterpart, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó.Blinken said at the time: “we make our concerns and principles clear when it comes to human rights and the state of democratic institutions and freedom of the press,” as he then crassly compared the current state of the Hungarian press to the Soviet Union.Blinken’s and Biden’s deeply degrading comments somehow never came up during any of the US-Hungarian meetings during the Trump administration, truly highlighting the double standards. But aside from that, several parties are calling the Democrat’s forced, counterproductive foreign policy approach as unprofessional.Mike Pompeo, former Republican Secretary of State noted via social media after Biden’s 2021 inauguration that “The Obama Administration treated NATO ally Hungary like North Korea … We’ve renewed important ties…” he said, adding that Budapest is likely to encounter the reincarnation of the Obama cabinet in future political dealings.If we look at what was said at the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, all signs show, unfortunately, that both the Hungarian government and Mike Pompeo were right.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
After all, Budapest ambassador nominee David Pressman violated all diplomatic protocols by traveling to Budapest.He went on the offensive during the hearing, saying that it is a euphemism for someone to refer to Hungary as a declining democracy because this “disguises the intention behind the reduction of press freedom and influence of the judiciary.”The politician openly called Hungary a dictatorship and covertly homophobic in connection with the child protection law then went a step further, saying that “NGOs have been pushed out of the democratic process, so the support of the US embassy is essential.”Apart from the fact that Pressman offended the vast majority of Hungarians with a single sentence, – by comparing our government, which just won its fourth two-thirds majority to a dictatorship – two assertions regarding the ambassador prove to be correct.
Photo: David Pressman (Photo: Concordia)
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