Even men are victims of rape by migrants

The migrant attacked the inebriated teen, who was hurrying home from a party, at a subway station.

Magyar Nemzet
Forrás: V4NA2023. 08. 23. 17:58
New York, 2023. július 31. Migránsok a város által átmeneti befogadóközpontként használt New York-i The Roosevelt Szálloda elõtt várakoznak 2023. július 31-én. MTI/AP/John Minchillo Fotó: John Minchillo
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Once again, Germany was shocked by a horrific assault committed by a migrant at a place where the worst nightmare of young girls has become a weekly occurrence, and where - apparently - even men are no longer safe. An 18-year-old boy became the victim of homosexual rape in the Bavarian capital, Munich, according to the international V4NA news agency. 

Police say the victim was highly intoxicated and walking home after a party. The 20-year-old migrant first spotted the young man at the Max-Weber-Platz U-Bahn station, where he likely saw that the he was drunk, making him an easy prey.

According to the police report, the Afghan migrant assaulted him, knocked him to the ground, and then brutally raped his victim, the violent act reportedly lasted for several hours. The report states that surveillance cameras recorded the sexual crime, as well as the Afghan assailant robbing his victim, stealing, for example, his phone and wallet. 

The 18-year-old then went home alone and did not call the police until the next day to file a report. With the help of the tracking function on the stolen cell phone, police were able to pinpoint the location of the Afghan national and make the arrest, V4NA writes, citing information published by the daily Bild.

Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: MTI/AP/John Minchillo)

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