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15:002024. június 15.
21:002024. június 15.

The soft West is receding everywhere

Macron proclaims that he will make France a start-up country, while admitting primarily illiterates.

Jacques Guillemain
2023. 08. 11. 17:51
MACRON, Emmanuel
Brüsszel, 2023. március 24. Emmanuel Macron francia elnök sajtóértekezletet tart az Európai Unió kétnapos brüsszeli csúcstalálkozója után, 2023. március 24-én. MTI/EPA/Stephanie Lecocq Fotó: Stephanie Lecocq
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

While the soft West descends into a nation-shattering dictatorship of racial and cultural minorities, while the degenerate West destroys the natural family and relinquishes to ensure the renewal of generations, and while the West also causes leaks in the ship of its own civilization in exchange for the illusion of happy globalization, powerful forces are awakening, shaking the centuries-old order based on European and then American dominance. The unipolar world order dictated by Washington is creaking and crumbling. Never since 1945 has the world been as unstable as it is now. The war in Ukraine is, of course, the main factor in this bubbling hot volcano which is on the verge of an inevitable eruption. This war highlights the collapse of this arrogant Western world, in which approximately thirty of the richest and best-armed countries are held in check by Russia, who is fighting each of them single-handedly.

Two hundred billion dollars went up in smoke. An enormous mass of NATO materiel was turned to dust by Russian artillery and air force, which as early as March 2022 was said to have run out of ammunition. The NATO doctrine was ridiculed by the Russian officers, who were declared incompetent and educated on the completely outdated Soviet doctrine.

But after seventeen months of warfare, only Russian officers have experience in high-intensity warfare. The West, defeated in Vietnam, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, and driven out of Africa, has little to show for it. The Ukrainians have lost four hundred thousand of their soldiers; they were killed in this proxy war funded by Washington. This is a historical disaster.

It is not enough that they are running into another and undoubtedly the most humiliating defeat, but the Americans now want to pick a fight with the Chinese, not understanding that the West is increasingly isolated, while Moscow enjoys the support of the BRICS alliance, an organization to which at least fifteen countries want to join. A Chinese-Russian naval force is patrolling the coast of Alaska, signaling to Washington that it has had enough of the provocations regarding Taiwan.

It is over for the French in Africa. Emmanuel Macron can't even control our domestic politics, so don't ask him to have an impact on the international stage. France has been completely discredited by an arrogant, immature and abusive president. Macron treats Africans the same way he treats the French: he looks down on them and insults them. We have been expelled from the Central African Republic, Mali, Burkina Faso and now Niger. Nice result. In their capitals, Macron is a persona non grata.

Everywhere, the West is regressing in all areas – militarily, economically, diplomatically and culturally – while the global South defends its interests and progresses forward. Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Indonesia favor Chinese investors over Americans. Thailand's central bank is preparing to expand its foreign exchange portfolio so that it is less tied to the dollar. Indonesia is strengthening local money markets as its regional neighbors develop digital payment systems, reducing their need for dollars. The BRICS group of countries also plans to introduce a common currency in the future.

At the same time, geopolitical changes are taking place: the global South rejects the dictates of Washington, refusing to support the anti-Russian sanctions imposed by Europe and the US. Nothing will stop the BRICS countries, the vanguard builders of tomorrow's multipolar world, from making a 180-degree turn away from the Western dominance that has been imposed since 1945. The US can no longer rule the world with a declining dollar and over thirty trillion dollars in debt being financed by the entire planet. The golden age of America, which in the 1950s still produced seventy percent of the world wealth, is over. Russia is no longer the pile of rubble it was as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union, China is not the colossus standing on clay legs that the West laughed at when it was producing only tealight candles and paper kites. India is no longer the miserable country where the bodies of those who died in the night were collected in the morning with handcarts, just as Brazil is no longer the land of adventures, the wilderness of 'green hell' and the land of samba. And South Africa is the continent's number one economy, despite its problems with corruption and lack of public safety.

The BRICS countries have a lot of weight, they can do anything, and they have become formidable rivals to the West. Calculated at purchasing power parity, their GDP weighs in at more than fifty trillion dollars. Also, don't forget that the territories of Russia, South Africa and Brazil all contain mineral resources.

France, which has neither oil nor ideas, has no chance of fairing well in this race for development with its three trillion debt and mass immigration of have-nots, most of whom arrive without any qualifications. Macron proclaims that he will make France a start-up country, while accepting mostly illiterate people. He is just sinking us.

Our unfortunate country, which had become so rich by the end of the "thirty glorious years" (1945-1975), is heading for the abyss under the leadership of a yielding, irresponsible and complicit elite.


The author is a retired French military officer and publicist for the Riposte Laique news portal 


Cover photo: French President Emmanuel Macron (Photo: Stephanie Lecocq)

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