Tucker Carlson: US media hates Hungary because the country self-identifies as Christian

This is something that's perceived as offensive by Western leaders.

2023. 09. 08. 10:56
Carlson, Tucker
Tucker Carlson, a Fox News amerikai konzervatív véleményvezér (Fotó: MTI/Szigetváry Zsolt) Fotó: Szigetváry Zsolt
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

„No, I'm not shilling for Hungary. I'm not being paid by Hungary, I just have experienced it a bit” – Tucker Carlson told Miklos Szantho, the General Director of the Center for Fundamental Rights. He also explained that he believes that Hungary is not at all like the American media portrays it.

In fact, it's so far from the reality described in, say, The New York Times, that you can only conclude The New York Times is lying,

– the media personality emphasized, adding that „it's not the first time,” and that the entire American media landscape is lying about Hungary. 

As to the question of „why,” he said the answer was simple: they hate Hungary because the country self-identifies as Christian. 

It's not being hated because it's right.wing. After all, people here have children born out of wedlock, and no one is required to go to church, he explained. 

Most Hungarians don't go to church, and the country is not a theocracy, that's ridiculous – Mr Carlson said, adding that PM Orban – a protestant – is not even of the same religion as the majority of Hungarians, who are Catholics. 

The fact is that the Hungarian constitution and the prime minister of Hungary both identify the country as, in some sense, Christian,

– the former news host underlined, adding that all this is so offensive to western leaders that they try to destroy Hungary. „This is not my fight, but I think its worth telling the truth about it,” Mr Carlson said. 

Cover photo: Tucker Carlson (Photo: MTI/Zsolt Szigetvary)


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