"The European Parliament's federalist majority voted to strengthen the powers of the Brussels institutions so that nation states, especially the smaller Central European member states, would not have a say in major decisions," the pro-government politician pointed out on his social media page.
Barna Pal Zsigmond pointed out that together with the Hungarian Left, MEPs in Brussels, led by Belgian liberal politician,
Guy Verhofstadt, are demanding qualified majority decision-making,
doing away with unanimity including the institution of the veto.
In this way, they would bypass those member states, including Hungary, which put the interests of their own nation and citizens first, the state secretary explained, recalling that consensus decision-making has always been the "backbone and foundation" of EU functioning and is also the only guarantee of the equality and sovereignty of member states.
In Brussels, they do not want individual member states to decide on issues such as their defense policy, migration policy, taxation and foreign policy, the politician said explaining the details of the proposal submitted to the EP.
"If their plan is greenlighted, they could easily abolish Hungary's utility subsidies, the interest rate freeze and the extra profit tax,"
he said.
Barna Pal Zsigmond added that member states would also have no say in who they let into their territory.We would be obliged to accept and support illegal immigrants, he said. Among the other consequences, he said, Hungary would have no say in Ukraine's admission to the EU, nor in "whether we should send more money and weapons to war".
They would force the abolition of our Child Protection Act and afford pseudo-NGOs even more influence,
he stressed, adding that the Brussels proposals would facilitate the dismantling of national sovereignty. This is why it is important for Hungarians to express a clear opinion in the National Consultation on the protection of national sovereignty, the politician said.