Anti-Israel Protesters Terrify Kids Waiting For Santa + Videos

In many shopping malls, protesters have staged anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian rallies directly targeting Christmas shoppers, but also scaring children who had come to sit on Santa’s knee.

Forrás: V4NA2023. 12. 19. 17:52
Budapest, 2018. november 30. Joulupukki, a lappföldi Mikulás a MikulásGyár karitatív akció megnyitóján a budapesti Millenáris Parkban 2018. november 30-án. MTI/Balogh Zoltán Fotó: Balogh Zoltán
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In many central shopping areas across Canada, protesters have staged anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian rallies killing the Christmas spirit and terrifying little kids who had come to sit on Santa’s knee, writes the international V4NA news agency.

At a shopping mall in Ottawa, protesters shouted and drummed, and their only response to the parents of frightened children was to point out that

if your children are scared, imagine how the Palestinian kids must feel.

At one point, Santa Claus looks almost just as horrified by the situation as a baby who had just been placed on his knee, as the protesters chant the currently trending falsehood that "Jesus was Palestinian," according to the Rebel News portal.

Burnaby, British Columbia faced a similar disturbance on Saturday, with protesters demanding a ceasefire in the Israeli-Hamas war, or even calling for a violent revolution.

Shoppers suddenly became engulfed by hundreds of protesters holding flags and signs with a broad array of messages, including calls for communism, a ceasefire to the Israel-Hamas war, and even for a historically violent "Intifada revolution".

Christmas shoppers in at least two different malls in Ontario were also subjected to the wrath of such protesters this past weekend.

Cover photo: Joulupukki, Lapland's Santa Claus, at the opening of the Santa Claus Yard (MikulasGyar) charity event at Budapest's Millenaris Park, on November 30, 2018 (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Balogh )


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