"Donald Tusk and his team will no longer retreat because they have crossed a line from which they can no longer return. This is the beginning of their reign, which means things will only get worse, and at an accelerating pace," said prominent Polish publicist Stanislaw Janecki, quoted by the V4NA international news agency. He reacted to the fact that Donald Tusk and his new government have essentially crippled Poland's public media: on 20 December, in what appears to be a dual violation of the rule of law, they dismissed the CEOs of Poland's public service broadcaster (TVP) and Polish Radio, as well as PAP, the country's state news agency, and they set up new supervisory boards in the public media.
Why Donald Tusk Wiped Out Public Media
Donald Tusk and his circles have broken the law in Poland to such an extent that as soon as they relinquish power, they will have to go to jail, and they know it.
According to Stanislaw Janecki, Tusk and the parliamentary majority have broken the law in Poland to such an extent that they will have to go to jail as soon as they relinquish power, and they know it. This is why they will engage in increasingly brutal violations of the law and the constitution.
Since then, supporters and politicians of the former ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party have continued to protest outside the headquarters of Poland's public television TVP in Warsaw and other locations.
The new government needs the illegal takeover of public media in order to conceal from Poles the inconvenient truth, like the fact that the Tusk government had approved the EU's new migration pact that stipulates the mandatory settlement of migrants, or fines,
said former Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki, a PiS politician, in his video message shared on social media.
Meanwhile, a shocking situation has evolved at the PAP headquarters in Warsaw, where armed men had appeared in the building, according to social media posts shared by Law and Justice MPs.
Cover photo: Police officers outside the headquarters of Polish public television TVP in Warsaw on December 20, 2023 (Photo: MTI/EPA/PAP/Kalbar)
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MEP Erno Schaller-Baross: Our goal is to guide the European Union back to the path of common sense.
America Now Returns to the Point Hungary Never Left
It now appears that the attempted reforms of the leftist-liberal shadow powers have failed.
PM Orban: America Has Already Awakened
PM Orban emphasized that the inauguration of the new U.S. President and the strengthening of the Patriots' faction in Brussels will create new opportunities.
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Címoldalról ajánljuk
Tovább az összes cikkhezPM Orban to Hold Talks with Robert Fico in Slovakia
The main topic of the meeting will be Hungary's and Slovakia's energy security following the halt of Ukrainian gas transit.
"We Have Taken the Lead in Change"
MEP Erno Schaller-Baross: Our goal is to guide the European Union back to the path of common sense.
America Now Returns to the Point Hungary Never Left
It now appears that the attempted reforms of the leftist-liberal shadow powers have failed.
PM Orban: America Has Already Awakened
PM Orban emphasized that the inauguration of the new U.S. President and the strengthening of the Patriots' faction in Brussels will create new opportunities.