A magyar csapat eredményei:
09:00Sportlövészet10m légpuska
HUNEszter Muhari
11:15VívásJunyao Tang-Eszter Muhari
12:20ÚszásSzabad 4 x 100m
12:26ÚszásSzabad 4 x 100m
HUNSzatmári András
13:20VívásBolade Apithy-Andras Szatmari
HUNSzilágyi Áron
13:45VívásFares Arfa-Aron Szilagyi
HUNGémesi Csanád
13:45VívásCsanad Gemesi-Eli Dershwitz

Upcoming Musical Treat in Budapest

On April 17, Budapest will host a concert by the Trio Patara, a group from Turkiye, boasting a repertoire of a wide range of universal music from different periods and styles.

2024. 04. 01. 13:46
The Hungarian Heritage House in the building of the Budai Vigado, Budapest. Photo: Laszlo Roka
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Three women's heartfelt wish for peace from Patara to the world" is the motto of the Trio Patara. During the pandemic in 2020, the group was originally created with the aim of contributing to the well-being of humanity with the healing and unifying power of music in challenging times, and this has remained their mission to this day.

A Trio Patara tagjai
Members of the Trio Patara (Source: YouTube.com)

The Turkish trio includes flutist Lelya Bayramogullari, a member of the Antalya State Symphony Orchestra and Sankyo Flute Artists, harpist Aslihan Gungor, a member of the Antalya State Symphony Orchestra and the Borusan Istanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, and Simge Buyukedes, one of the most popular soprano singers, a member of the Mersin State Opera and Ballet.

Their first CD, Patara'ya Armagan (Gift to Patara), was released in December 2020 with the support of the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism's Directorate General of Fine Arts.

The concert, which will be held at the Hungarian Heritage House (Hagyomanyok Haza), is jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation and the Embassy of the Republic of Turkiye in Budapest, as part of the Hungarian–Turkish cultural season.



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