Daniel Freund Loses His Cool Again

Before throwing political "grenades", critics ought to make sure that they are well-informed, Fidesz MEP Barna Pal Zsigmond said.

2024. 05. 14. 15:22
German Green Party MEP Daniel Freund at a press conference on Hungary's response to EU concerns about the rule of law in Hungary, at the European Parliament in Brussels (Photo: MTI/EPA/Stephanie Lecocq)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Daniel Freund, a German Green Party politician, is a public figure who follows Viktor Orban's every move and comments on them according to his own taste. In his latest post, he complained that weeks before the start of the Hungarian presidency, Xi Jinping, the President of the People's Republic of China, paid a visit to Hungary. Mr Freund also pointed out that the European Parliament had already indicated that the Hungarian presidency would be a "bad idea".

Barna Pal Zsigmond, parliamentary state secretary at the ministry of EU affairs, highlighted for left-wing MEPs that the Chinese President had also met with French President Emmanuel Macron, which Mr Freund forgot to complain about. "The leftist hypocrisy is outrageous," he said.

The state secretary also underlined that Hungary's preparations for the EU Presidency are progressing well, enjoying the confidence of European Council President Charles Michel. Before throwing political "grenades", critics ought to make sure that they are well-informed, as PM Orbán is currently the only EU leader with presidency experience at the moment, Fidesz MEP Barna Pal Zsigmond stated. 

Cover photo: German Green Party MEP Daniel Freund at a press conference on Hungary's response to EU concerns about the rule of law in Hungary, at the European Parliament in Brussels (Photo: MTI/EPA/Stephanie Lecocq)

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