"Pro-peace and sovereign leaders are needed at the helm of member states and in Brussels on June 9th," the Fidesz-KDNP communications chief said in a video post on Facebook Saturday. NATO and European leaders, according to Tamas Menczer, are increasingly saying that "this is our war", which also means that "they want to continue until they win" - until Ukraine wins and the "Russians are kicked out" of Ukraine.
However, the Hungarian government's position is that it is not our war and nobody wins, so it should not be continued,
he stated.
Referring to reports he had seen in his former role as foreign affairs state secretary, the politician said that everyone, NATO and European political leaders know that Ukraine will not win this war, yet in order to satisfy various political and economic interests, they are advocating for the continuation of the war. "This is why we need pro-peace and sovereignist leaders in the member states and also in Brussels," the communications chief said.