"PM Orban the Only European Politician Who Can Negotiate with Both Zelensky and Putin"

The Czech ANO party also applauded the Hungarian prime minister's peace mission.

2024. 07. 07. 14:11
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and Russian President Vladimir Putin hold talks in Moscow, on July 5 2024. Second from left is Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, with Marcell Biro - PM Orban's chief national security advisor on the left, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (third from r). Photo: MTI/PM's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is currently the only European politician capable of negotiating with both Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin, said MEP Jaroslav Bzoch, shadow foreign minister of the most powerful Czech opposition movement, the Action of Dissatisfied Citizens (ANO). "This trip (to Moscow) is not worth criticizing because Viktor Orban is the only one who can negotiate with both Putin and Zelensky," Mr Bzoch told the left-wing Novinky news portal in an interview on Saturday, referring to the Hungarian prime minister's visit to Putin.

Putin and Zelensky must be brought to the negotiating table by any means necessary. Unfortunately, Mr Orban had no mandate and are criticizing his visit to Moscow is being cricitized by other European politicians, so it won't have much impact,

– the MEP opined. 

In the long term, the ANO's position is that instead of weapons deliveries to Ukraine, it would be better to negotiate peace, an idea that the aggressor has rejected, and "Orban heard this in Moscow", he pointed out. The movement announced last Sunday in Vienna, together with Viktor Orban, that it would form the Patriots for Europe party group in the European Parliament. ANO leaders have openly welcomed Viktor Orban's trip to Kyiv, but remain silent on his visit to Moscow for the time being. "Viktor Orban left for Ukraine the very next day of his EU Presidency. This proves that he is a pro-European politician first and foremost, because it is in Europe's interest to stop the killing and end the war," former Czech Prime Minister and ANO President Andrej Babis wrote on X. 

In a statement sent to the Czech news agency (CTK), the ANO recalled that Viktor Orban had been the first to visit Kyiv, pointing out that "by doing so, he had clearly expressed his position on Ukraine".


According to the Czech opposition movement, Viktor Orban makes no secret of the fact that he is looking for a path to peace talks, but he must propose it to someone who is not part of the conflict. "Logically, it should be someone who can talk to both sides. And Orban is undoubtedly that person," reads ANO's statement. Czech pro-government politicians have criticized Viktor Orban's trip to Moscow, with Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky emphasizing toNovinky that Viktor Orban did not represent the Czech Republic, the EU or Ukraine in Moscow. "Any peace plan must be discussed with Ukraine, it is inevitable. Peace can be restored immediately if the occupiers leave Ukraine. But until then, we must ensure the security of our region," the Czech foreign ministry said in a statement.

Cover photo: Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and Russian President Vladimir Putin hold talks in Moscow, on July 5 2024. On the left is Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto (second from l), and Marcell Biro PM Orban's chief national security adviser, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (third from r). Photo: MTI/PM's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher

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