Hungary DM: We Are Committed to Self-Defense of Our Country

The Russia-Ukraine conflict can only be resolved in a sustainable manner through an immediate ceasefire, followed by a diplomatic solution, Hungarian Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky stressed.

2024. 08. 31. 13:50
Hungarian Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky (Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Hungary's Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky also attended the informal meeting of EU defense ministers held Friday in Brussels. He told the press that the EU defense ministers' pro-war position had not changed at all over the summer.

There is a clear pro-war mood in the room, with nearly all the speeches revolving around military support for Ukraine, including weapons, ammunition and all the necessary means to do so. While we analyze military achievements on the front, our assessment is that there is no military solution to the conflict,

the defense minister explained, adding that Hungary is no longer the only country that thinks that the conflict resolution has to occur at the negotiating table.

The politician highlighted the attitude of EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy High Representative Josep Borrell on the issues concerning the war.

His personal approach never fails to surprise me. Here is a left-wing Eurobureaucrat on the verge of retirement who seems to aspire to some kind of odd position and dominates the atmosphere in the room. It is both shocking and scary to hear him say that it is absolutely necessary not only to continue the European Union's mission to train Ukrainian soldiers, but also to extend it to Ukrainian territory,

Szalay-Bobrovnicky noted. 

He emphasized that Hungary had already "constructively abstained" on this issue, which means that despite not agreeing with the mission, the country did not prevent its continuation. This training has so far been carried out on the territory of supporting member states.

There is now increased talk of moving that training to Ukraine. This carries a clear danger of escalation, and it is essential to avoid involving the European Union and NATO in this conflict,

the DM said. 

He also noted that while the EU is putting pressure on Hungary, Ukraine is introducing one measure after another that discriminate against companies from Hungary and other countries.

He also touched on the Slovakian defense minister criticizing the venue change of the informal meeting. As Magyar Nemzet reported, today's meeting should have taken place in Budapest. According to Kristof Szalay-Bobrovnicky, Josep Borrell deprived himself and those present of an informal atmosphere in which they could put forth and discuss real strategic questions.


Global issues

The Minister also underlined that while attention is constantly focused on the war between Russia and Ukraine, the countries of the Western Balkans and the challenges of the Sahel region in Africa should not be forgotten.

He said it is in Hungary's national interest and also in the security interest of the European Union to maintain stability in these regions. Although the Middle East crisis was on the agenda of the meeting, it was not discussed Friday.

The minister concluded, "At the meeting on the European Union's operational role, Hungary was able to report good news, as we are committed to self-defense of our country and to the security of the European Union."

Cover photo: Hungarian Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky (Source: Facebook)

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